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Gapers are one of the most common enemies of the first chapters. They act by usually chasing Isaac in an attempt to deal contact damage.
More information about Gapers in general can be found in the vanilla page.


Pesters behave identically to Gapers, but come with an orbiting Eternal Fly.png Eternal Fly.

The Eternal Fly will stay attached if the Pester becomes a Pacer.png Pacer or Gusher.png Gusher on death.


Marges behave identically to Gapers, but spawn 4-5 Swarm.png Swarm Flies upon death.


Wicks chase after Isaac, spawning small extinguishable fires as they take damage.

They will also occasionally spit a larger extinguishable flame at Isaac and will spawn another on death.


Charlies are charred Gapers that behave similarly to Gurgle.png Gurgles.

They will occasionally lob an ashy projectile towards Isaac that deals no damage, but leaves a patch of gunpowder that can be ignited.


  • Charlie can spawn with any of 10 random expressions. This is purely cosmetic however and doesn't change its behavior in any way.


Bucketheads are armored Frowning Gaper.png Frowning Gapers found in Downpour and Dross. They behave identically and chase at the speed of standard Gapers, but have Boss Armor until their bucket is fully knocked off (an equivalent of about 10 HP). After their bucket is knocked off, they will speed up, now chasing at the pace of Frowning Gapers.

Some Bucketheads will be hiding in overturned bucket grids, only to come rising up once all other enemies have been killed. Hiding Bucketheads can sometimes wiggle a bit before rising up, delaying their chase by a moment.


  • Hidden Bucketheads can be bombed to kill them prematurely.
  • Frowning Gapers spawned from destroyed Bucketheads in Dross have a unique appearance, but behave identically.


Fatheads pursue Isaac and explode into a large fart cloud on death.

The fart deals no damage, but will knock back both Isaac and other enemies.


Sackboys are sack-like Gapers that slowly follow Isaac, occasionally spitting out a bunch of Baby Spider.png Baby Spiders and 1-2 regular Spiders, as well as spawning more on death.


Sourpatches will chase Isaac faster than regular Gapers, and will split into their head and body on death.

Sourpatch Head

Sourpatch Heads behave similarly to slower Hopper.png Hoppers, jumping about randomly and pursuing Isaac if he draws near. With each hop, they will also leave a small puddle of yellow creep.

They can appear in rooms on their own.

Sourpatch Body

Sourpatch Bodies behave similarly to Gushers, spraying low range projectiles in the direction they're moving. However, they fire much more rapidly than normal Gushers and also move a bit faster.

They can appear in rooms on their own.


Pitchers will chase Isaac, periodically coughing a cluster of tar projectiles towards Isaac which spawns 1-3 Blot.png Blots and a pool of black creep upon landing.

Pale Gaper

Pale Gapers are upgraded versions of Gapers that behave nearly identically, chasing after Isaac slightly faster than their counterparts. If Isaac is in line of sight, they will roar, opening their mouth wider and increasing their speed for a period. Afterwards, they will periodically roar as normal Gapers usually do as long as they maintain line of sight with Isaac. Each roar will continuously maintain their speed; only ever occasionally slowing down for a brief moment between roars. Upon death, they transform into a Pale Gusher.

If a Pale Gaper loses line of sight with Isaac, it will return back to its slower speed, and will take a moment after returning to the chase to roar again.


  • In rooms with Magnifier.png Magnifiers, Pale Gapers will transform into Pale Mag Gapers that behave identically to their regular counterpart.

Pale Gusher

Pale Gushers are upgraded variants of Gushers. They behave like normal Gushers, but fire projectiles at a faster rate; when close to Isaac, they will chase after him with the stream of projectiles angled towards Isaac.

Motor Neuron

Motor Neurons are a fusion between Nerve Ending.png Nerve Endings and Gapers.

They pursue Isaac, and will sometimes spin their nerve around, creating a large damaging radius around themselves and deflecting any tears or bombs that are sent near them.


  • Tears deflected by a Motor Neuron will not harm Isaac, but can harm other enemies.


Curdles follow Isaac slowly, leaving behind a trail of red creep. A layer of flesh covers their face that will be knocked off upon death, spawning 1-2 Leper Flesh.png Leper Flesh and creating a small pool of red creep. Afterwards, they continue on without the flesh and with 25 more HP.

Naked Curdles move faster and leave a shorter-lasting trail of red creep. They behave similarly to Gurgle.png Gurgles, occasionally firing a large arcing Haemolacria.png Haemolacria projectile towards Isaac that pops into a cluster of smaller projectiles upon impact. Upon death, they create another small pool of red creep.

Naked Curdles are most commonly spawned by Curdles, but can sometimes be encountered on their own.


Nailheads behave identically to Gapers until they get close to Isaac or take enough damage, after which their head explodes, releasing 8 damaging nails in a ring around it that remain on the ground for an extremely long duration or until the room is cleared.

After their head pops, they will move faster and leave behind a small trail of red creep.


Bubs are variants of Rotten Gaper.png Rotten Gapers primarily found in rooms with the Morbus backdrop. Like Rotten Gapers, they exhibit slightly different behavior depending on the appearance of their head.

Various appearances of Bub

From left to right, their behaviors are:

  • Medium speed, periodically stops and shoots a single arced tooth projectile towards Isaac. Hunched over, resembling a Gurgle.
  • Slow speed, periodically spawns a Spider behind itself while chasing Isaac.
  • Medium speed, spawns a Toma Chunk.png Toma Chunk on death.
  • Fast speed, explodes into a small shower of projectiles and spawns a Spider on death.
  • Medium speed, spawns a Black Globin's Body.png Black Globin's Body with a unique coloration on death.

Mag Gaper

Mag Gapers are tainted variants of Gapers found in the HomeIcon.png Ascent. They quickly chase after Isaac if he's in their sight and can destroy any obstacles they run through. If Isaac breaks line of sight with a Mag Gaper, it will wander around randomly.


  • Marge is a reference to Marge Simpson of the Simpsons television series and her signature hair, resembling the aptly named beehive hairstyle.
  • Wick has been completely reworked in Reheated due to the introduction of the Revenant.png Revenant in Repentance, which behaves almost identically.
  • Bucketheads are based off of Buckethead Zombies from Plants vs Zombies. The sound used when the bucket is hit is taken from said series.
  • Sackboy's name might be a reference to the LittleBigPlanet series of platformer games created by Media Molecule.
  • Warhead.png Warheads and Sourpatches are named after each respective brand of sour candy.
  • Motor Neuron's first appearance was showcased in a Reddit Post by developer HappyHead.
  • In the files, in Curdle's folder, a set of various heads can be found. They appear to be placeholder sprites or were used in early versions of Curdle.
  • Bub was originally from the unreleased Morbus MOD.
  • Mag Gapers are a reference to Mag Agents from Madness Combat, which are bigger and stronger versions of Agents.
  • Nailheads were added in The Spookaween Update.
  • Pale Gapers were added in The Spitshine Update.
  • Pale Gushers were added to regular rooms in The Spitshine Update, prior to that update they could only be spawned by CorruptedLarryIcon.png Corrupted Larry as a part of WarpZoneIcon.png Warp Zone boss fight.
  • Bucketheads have a unique appearance when encountered on the Boiler floor if the Fall from Grace MOD is installed.
  • Curdles and Motor Neurons have a unique appearance when encountered on the Mortis floor if the Last Judgement MOD is installed.


SlammersLeftIcon32px.png Enemies SlammersRightIcon32px.png
Basement Slammer - Wimpy - Red Horf - Mutant Horf - Mr. Horf - Mr. Red Horf - Morsel - Pester - Slim - Limb - Bowler - Loafer - Slobber - Bleeder - Casualty - Dung - Tall Boi - Shitling - Shot Fly - Shoter - Square Fly - Bumbler - Potluck - Poobottle - Butt Fly - Weaver - Drink Worm - Benign - Drumstick - Tap
Cellar Spooter - Super Spooter - Skuzz - Ring Skuzz - Army Skuzz - Baby Spider - Sticky Sack - Walking Sticky Sack - Ransacked - Coby - Nanny Long Legs - Brood - Zingling - Beeter - Hover - Honey Eye - Stingler - Homer - Honeydrip - Marge - Haunted - Yawner - Crotchety - Dim - Spoop - Shirk
Burning Basement S'More - Woodburner - Wick - Mr. Flare - Mr. Crisply - Powderkeg - Mullikaboom - Fried - Spitroast - Spark - Charlie - Sooty - Big Smoke - Brisket - Smogger - Mote - Fumegeist - Smokin - Flamin - Trailblazer - Chili - Litling - Commission
Downpour Buoy - Buckethead - Mr. Sub Horf - Rift Walker - Cushion - Skipper - Archer - Mayfly - Mightfly - Dewdrop - Floaty - Mini-Min - Bellow - Tricko - Ring Leader - Aleya - Ignis - Bubby - Deathany - Tango - Onlyfan - Zephyr - Cuffs - Glass Eye
Dross Shitty Horf - Dollop - Connipshit - Residuum - Pipeneck - Shottie - Coloscope - Stomy - Wasty - Delinquent - Peepisser - Cathy - Fishy - Catfish - Croca - Unshornz
Caves Milk Tooth - Foamy - Slick - Stump - Pale Slim - Jim - Pale Limb - Pale Bleeder - Balor - Eyesore - Fathead - Poople - Dweller - Resident - Fishaac - Fossilized Boom Fly - Edema - Weaver Sr. - Bunker Worm - Roly Poly - Centipede - Snagger - Hooligan - Globlet - Meatwad - Chunky - Shiitake - Ramblin' Evil Mushroom - Cordy - Splattercap - Mobile Mushroom - Wobbles - Infected Mushroom - Cordify - Smidgen - Red Smidgen - Hoster - Frowny
Catacombs Sniffle - Tado Kid - Tot - Shrunken Head - Desirer - Seducer - Spitum - Mr. Gurgle - Ragurge - Sackboy - Spinneretch - Spider Egg - Ogre Creep - Scope Creep - Warhead - Sourpatch - Sourpatch Head - Sourpatch Body - Bunch - Grape - Carrot - Mama Pooter - Creepy Maggot - Flickerspirit - Menace - Dr. Shambles - Mothman - Drunk Worm - Matte - Colonel
Flooded Caves Drop - Dribble - Nimbus - Floodface - Tubby - Geyser - Warty - Bubble Bat - Cistern - Bubble Blowing Double Baby - Globulon - Gutbuster - Offal - Eroded Host - Eroded Smidgen - Fishface - Frog - Madclaw - Zapbladder - Wire - Anemone - Clam - Puffer - Squid - Sea Cucumber - Dolphin - Sponge - Panini - Isopoly - Lightning Fly - Volt - Drainfly - Aquabab - Wetstone - Bubble - Watery Bubble - Explosive Bubble - Fly Bubble - Spider Bubble - Isopoly Bubble
Mines Glob - Sizzle - Fuego - Roasty - Coalby - Coupile - Cairn - Golden Fly Bomb - Anode - Craig - Grazer - Technician - Shock Collar - Drillbit - Thumper - Nubert - Quaker - Stalagnaught - Speleo - Anti Golem - Crucible - Blastcore - Rufus - Grilled Chunky - Grilled Meatwad - Cappin - Spanky - Pillar John - Super Grimace
Ashpit Flesh Sistren - Shellmet - Spiroll - Prick - Fireswirl - Pyroclasm - Dry Wheeze - Marlin - Fishfreak - Clickety Clash - Ossularry - Skitter Skull - Krass Blaster - Dried Offal - Bombmuncher - Flinty - Blasted - Ashtray - Ztewie - Briar - Beebee - Phoenix - Gritty - Hangman - Casted
Depths Flanks - Flagpole - Blare - Striker - Pale Loafer - Smasher - Stoney Slammer - Hollow Knight - Toxic Knight - Squire - Patzer - King - Scoop - Sundae - Soft Serve - Corn Load - Load - Ghostse - Gnawful - Peek-a-boo - Temper - Banshee - Spook - Mistmonger - Sleeper - Wailer - Dungeon Master - G. Host - Thousand Eyes - Scythe Rider - Eternal Flickerspirit - Viscerspirit
Necropolis Bone Worm - Sternum - Splodum - Doom Fly - Crepitus - Mr. Bones - Possessed - Moaner - Cracker - Jawbone - Ribbone - Ribeye - Unpawtunate - Fracture - Molar System - Lil' Jon - Spinny - Creepterum - Baro - Ring of Ring Flies - Calzone - Carrier - Gary - Dangler - Tombit - Gravin
Dank Depths Blot - Tar Bubble - Guflush - Squidge - Melty - Pitcher - Mr. Gob - Gob - Gunk - Slag - Gis - Slimer - Gorger - Sludge Host - Gobhopper - Skuzzball - Small Skuzzball - Grater - Clogmo - Piper - Boiler - Litter Bug - Toxic Litter Bug - Trashbagger - Dumptruck - Dope's Head - Bunkter - Furnace
Mausoleum Shaker - Rancor - Clergy - Alfil - Zealot - Psychoknight - Pale Gaper - Pale Gusher - Pale Horf - Pale Clotty - Sixth - Arcane Creep - Psycho Fly - Psystalk - Stolas - Morvid - Acolyte - Skulltist - Zissuru - Madhat - Psyclopia - Alderman - Lunksack - Shi - Empath - Grimoire - Nihilist - Looksee - Temptress - Grievance
Gehenna Bull - Super Shottie - Discy - Nobody - Dangerous Disc - Scowl Creep - Maze Runner - Aper - Tagbag - Gabber - Gamper - Gutter - Ripcord - Bead Fly - Manic Fly - Pitchfork Hitcher - Kukodemon - Haemo - Lurch - Punisher - Apega - Eye of Shaggoth - Sensory Grimace - Thwammy
Womb Spicy Dip - Berry - Craterface - Drooler - Harletwin - Nuchal - Punted - Forgotten Fetus - Lil Al - C Word - Neonate - Thread - Warble - Strobila - Redema - Globscraper - Glorf - Globwad - Toothache - Chops - Chummer - Foe - Quack - Motor Neuron - Plexus - Womb Pillar - Immural
Utero Heartbeat - Valvo - Jammed - Red Jammed - Tittle - Bola - Astroskull - Sagging Sucker - Trickle - Magleech - Retch - Bladder - Minimoon - Peepling - Onlooker - Utero Pillar - Organelle - Cordend - Artery - Vein - Peepee
Scarred Womb Curdle - Nailhead - Contestant - Facade - Vacuole - Gleek - Incisor - Starving - Mouthful - Lipoma - Pox - Cellulitis - Dogmeat - Flailer - Brooter - Myiasis - Head Honcho
Corpse Marzlammer - Rotdrink - Rotskull - Rotspin - Spoilie - Sagging Spit - Droolie - Diagetic - Gut Knight - Fingore - Bamboo Cutter - Frayed Nerve - Torment - Putrefatty - Coconut - Wheezer - Whale - Whale Guts - Weeper - Cancer Boy - Musk - Foetus - Foetu - Bub - Molly - Toma Chunk - Small Conglobberate - Medium Conglobberate - Large Conglobberate - Molargan - Oralid - Oralopede - Quitter - Tommy - Benny - Knot - Nematode - Steralis - Lurker
Cathedral Chorister - Enlightened - Inner Eye - Effigy - Primemind - Deadfly - Holy Clotty - Holy Wobbles - Cherub - Warden - Cherubskull - Armoured Looker - Looker - Seeker - Watcher - Watcher Eye - Dogrock - Congression - Specturn
Sheol Doomer - Dread Maw - Dread Weaver - Thrall - Dominated - Ms. Dominator - Psi Hunter - Psyeg - Psiling - Psleech - Psionic Knight - Outlier - Crosseyes - Foreseer - Observer - Umbra - Blistered Umbra - Eclipse - Sombra - Blazer - Cauldron
Dark Room Slim Shady - Red Hand
Ascent & Home Beacon - Dizzy - Reaper - Roy Geralt Dericott II - Missing Link - Mag Gaper - Mag Horf - Mag Clotty - Accursed - Buckshot - Really Tall Boi
Miscellaneous Ticking Fly - Full Spider - Custom Moter - Charmed Litter Bug - Fossil - Haunch - Lonely Knight - Mold - Sentry - Sentry Shell - Elite Jon