Starving are Fatties with a large, gaping maw on their stomach. Upon entering the room, they will devour their own head to vomit out a spray of blood and bone projectiles towards Isaac. Starvings will then begin to chase down nearby enemies and, when in range, bite down in an attempt to consume them, killing any enemies caught in a small radius directly in front of it. After biting, they will vomit out a barrage of blood and bone projectiles towards Isaac. Their attack will have more projectiles depending on the total HP of the enemy/enemies they ate.
Starvings will still vomit projectiles if their bite missed and they did not eat an enemy, but the volley will have much less projectiles. Starvings will also immediately bite the ground and spew projectiles if Isaac gets too close at any time. If there are no other enemies they can reach, Starvings will try to chase Isaac instead, biting down on the floor occasionally or as soon as Isaac is in range of their mouth.
- Starvings can consume invulnerable enemies, killing them as usual.
- Certain enemies have unique interactions with Starving:
Globins and their variants will only be reduced to their goo piles. Their goo piles can be eaten as usual.
Incisors can not be eaten by Starving, instead cooperating with each other; Incisors will launch out a
Leper Flesh towards a nearby Starving, of which the Starving can eat.
Curdles will only have their covering eaten off. Naked Curdles can still be eaten whole as usual.
Dogmeat can not be eaten by Starving, and will prioritize consuming the
Nerve Clusters Dogmeat spawns instead.
Head Honcho will immediately enter its on-death attack once Starving bites down on it. If a Head Honcho that is currently in this state is eaten by a Starving, the Head Honcho will be fully consumed and will not spawn a
Lepers will not be devoured whole, instead losing stages and spawning a
Leper Flesh with each bite. They will die if they have 15 HP or less, however.
Droolers and
Craterfaces are ignored and cannot be eaten.
Poison Minds will explode and will poison the Starving that ate them — usually killing the Starving in the process.
Soft Serves and
Sundaes will not be devoured whole, instead losing stages while spawning
Brownie Corns and releasing poop projectiles.
Scoops will still be eaten whole.
- Starving will not target bosses, or enemies with more than 99 HP.
- Some obstacles, such as
Amniotic Sacs,
Magnifiers, and
Septic Pipes and their variants, can be eaten by Starving.