Anti Golem
Anti Golems are enemy versions of Golem found within the Mines that behave similarly to
Dwellers. They will attempt to line up in a cardinal direction of Isaac and throw a primed
Throwable Bomb towards him. The primed red bombs they throw can be picked up again, and are the main method to defeat them as they do not take damage from any sources but explosions. Due to this, they will actively move away from any primed bombs nearby.
Anti Golems have unique behaviors if they cannot directly walk to Isaac. If separated by a thin wall, they will try to hide behind it and lob bombs over at Isaac until ignored for an extended period. Otherwise, they will place bombs to destroy rocks and even make bridges to try to get closer to Isaac.
There is a variant of Anti Golems that have a red bomb embedded in their head, which will drop un-inignited once they are killed.
- Anti Golem's bombs only deal 20 damage to itself and other enemies, being enough to kill it in 2 hits. A bomb placed by Isaac will still deal 100 damage to it.
Sanguine Hook and
Remote Detonator can be used to steal or blow up Anti Golem's bombs while they're holding them.
- Anti Golem's bombs will explode in their hands if they are slowed or petrified.