Guflushes are enemies that slowly walk towards Isaac with what resembles a Tar Bubble on top of its head. After a moment they will inflate the bubble, slowing down in the process. While inflated, after a period, the bubble will pop and scatter 7 arcing black projectiles in random directions that leave slowing black creep. For a period after popping, they will drastically speed up while continually firing projectiles into the air while chasing. They will create a new bubble after this, restarting the attack.
If they take damage while the bubble is swelled, it will pop early, causing the Guflush to gain less speed and release projectiles at a slower rate than it would if left alone, but will increase the amount of time it maintains its increased speed. If killed while the bubble is swelled it will still release its initial burst of projectiles.
- They are referred to as "Overflower" in the game files.