Cyclopias are one-eyed variants of Gapers which occasionally shoot projectiles towards Isaac.
This page is about Cyclopias added by Fiend Folio. More information about Cyclopias in general can be found in the vanilla page.
Sooties are the Cyclopia variants to Charlies. Sooties will occasionally lob a fiery projectile towards Isaac while chasing him, which leaves 6 flames that dissipate quickly on impact.
Dollops are Cyclopia variants found in Dross. Instead of a projectile, Dollops will launch out a
Drip towards Isaac while chasing him.
Balors are faster than regular Cyclopias and leave a larger trail of longer-lasting red creep. They shoot single projectiles towards Isaac that are larger, travel faster and further, and leave a trail of red creep as they travel.
Eyesores will pop out their eye, referred to as a Gander, towards Isaac shortly after spawning. Afterwards they behave similarly to Cyclopias, but move faster, leave a slightly longer trail of red creep, and occasionally shoot 4 arcing blood projectiles towards Isaac while in sight.
Gander are floating eyes spawned only by Eyesores that behave similarly to Peep Eyes, flying diagonally over obstacles and bouncing off of walls. They take increased knockback from Isaac's tears, which can also alter their trajectory.
Ganders are invulnerable, only dying when their corresponding Eyesore is killed.
Fractures are skeletal Cyclopia variants that have 3 stages of degradation which determines their attacks. When unharmed, Fractures will fire a single bone projectile periodically towards Isaac while chasing him. When cracked, they will fire 2 bone projectiles in a v pattern. When fully broken, they will fire 3 bone projectiles in a flat spread.
When breaking into the final stage, Fractures will spew out a few bone and teeth projectiles in a very short-ranged burst.
- In reality, Fractures have 28 health, but each stage adds 20 extra health as separate "armor" phases. It will not actually take damage until each phase has been broken through individually — this also means that Fractures cannot be killed in one hit.
Psyclopias are voodoo dolls that move faster than regular Cyclopias and shoot magical purple projectiles. When these projectiles either hit an obstacle, Isaac, or run out of range, the Psyclopia teleports to the projectile's position.
- Psyclopias adjust the range of their projectiles depending on how close they are to Isaac.
Aldermans are a variant of Psyclopias. It moves much slower but its projectiles are now homing and when the Alderman teleports it releases 4 lines of purple fire in the cardinal directions from the location where it teleported to.
- Dollops originally started off being suggested as a joke by a member of the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server, before being implemented ironically, and then finally turning into a real enemy.
- According to Vermin, the designer of Aldermans, they are high-ranking aristocrats with snooty personalities.
Dollop's appearance prior to The Spitshine Update.