Psi Hunter
Psi Hunters are demonic enemies armed with a large knife, that will ceaselessly pursue Isaac with long and straight charges. They will make quick turns towards Isaac if he veers too much to the side or if they run into a wall or obstacle. When Isaac gets close enough, the Psi Hunter will make a small dash forward and swing their knife in a large arc in front of them.
If any psionic enemies enter a Psi Hunter's range while chasing Isaac, they will target and swing at them instead, dealing 16 damage with each hit. If the Psi Hunter is surrounded by multiple targets, it will stand still to charge up briefly, before swinging the blade in a circle around it. Other enemies caught in Psi Hunter's swings will also take damage.
Psi Hunters have the ability to block Brimstone beams and will stand still while doing so, preventing the beam from traveling past them. They are completely immune to damage from enemy Brimstone beams.
Camillo Jr. are considered psionic enemies and will be targeted by Psi Hunters.
- The friendly Psi Hunter spawned by
Calling Card has green eyes instead of red.