Whales are giant rotting whale carcasses that slowly hover towards Isaac, but cannot travel over pits or obstacles. If the Whale loses 20 HP, or if Isaac gets too close, the Whale will emit a hissing sound before shooting out a Whale Guts in the direction it is facing along with a small trail of poisonous gas. The Whale Guts will be connected to the Whale by a cord, which keeps it from traveling too far. The Whale will keep floating towards Isaac, dragging the guts behind it.
If the Whale is killed before its guts, it will collapse to the floor before its head bursts open into a small splash of red projectiles, 5 of which briefly float in place in a semi-circle, as well as spawning 4 Small Maggots and a charging
Level 2 Charger in the direction the Whale was facing. Its corpse will remain on the ground, with the Whale Guts still chained to it.
If the Whale Guts are killed first, the Whale will immediately collapse and die without its head bursting open.
- A Whale's corpse deals no contact damage and has no collision, and will disappear once the guts are killed.
- A Whale takes drastically reduced damage while spawning its guts.
Whale Guts
Whale Guts are large clumps of innards produced by Whales that slide around the room attempting to keep its distance from Isaac while being dragged along by the Whale. Periodically, Whale Guts will pause to fire 3 streams of 4 spectral projectiles at perpendicular angles, that wiggle as they travel outwards. One of the streams will be targeted at Isaac, attempting to predict Isaac's movement.
Whale Guts can rarely spawn on its own, and will move about randomly instead of attempting to avoid Isaac.
- Whales' behavior are based on a real phenomenon where beached whale corpses tend to explode due to a buildup of natural gas inside the animal if left to rot.
- Hidden within Whale's sprite sheet in the MOD's files, there is an easter egg sprite of the Whale hugging
- Whales were originally designed to look more humanoid during development.