Flickerspirits are large firefly-like creatures that slowly drift towards Isaac. Flickerspirits can not deal contact damage, but they exude a large blue aura which causes all enemies (except other Flickerspirits) within this aura to turn blue and translucent, becoming invulnerable and having Isaac's tears pass right through them.
Flickerspirits are strongly affected by knockback. This knockback can be used to move their aura and remove enemies from its radius; additionally, the inability for enemies within its radius to block tears can give a clear path for Isaac's tears to hit the Flickerspirit protecting them.
Eternal Flickerspirit
Eternal Flickerspirits behave like Eternal Flies, where they will spawn orbiting other enemies. Eternal Flickerspirits grant the enemy they are orbiting invulnerability until all other enemies that aren't protected by an Eternal Flickerspirit, and must otherwise be killed to clear the room, are dead. Once those enemies are dead, the Eternal Flickerspirit will continue orbiting its host but will no longer give them protection, and will be killed when its host dies.
- Eternal Flickerspirits are intangible; they can not be hit by tears, pass through Isaac and other enemies, and are otherwise unable to be killed directly.
- If there are any white champion enemies in the room, Eternal Flickerspirits will lose their effect before white champions do.
Viscerspirits behave similarly to Eternal Flickerspirits, but rather than providing their host with invincibility, Viscerspirits will boost their host's health by the same amount as the Viscerspirit's own maximum HP, which scales with the stage number.
Multiple Viscerspirits can orbit a single enemy, stacking the health-boosting effect.
- Viscerspirits are intangible; they can not be hit by tears, pass through Isaac and other enemies, and are otherwise unable to be killed directly.
- When a Viscerspirit's host takes damage, Viscerspirits will take that same amount of damage, and will die sequentially if their host has multiple Viscerspirits. This can act as an indicator for when an enemy loses its boosted HP based on how many Viscerspirits they have remaining.