Maggots are enemies that crawl around the room moving in cardinal directions, with many variants performing attacks or charging at Isaac when in line of sight.
This page is about Maggots added by Fiend Folio. More information about Maggots in general can be found in the vanilla page.
Roly Poly
Roly Polies behave similarly to Chargers, but have a wider detection range and will roll towards Isaac instead of sliding. While rolling they can steer themselves towards Isaac, bouncing off of obstacles, and will continuously chase him until he moves out of range.
Isopolies are water-based variant of Roly Polies that behave identically. They can sometimes be found inside Isopoly Bubbles.
Creepy Maggot
Creepy Maggots behave identically to normal Maggots, wandering aimlessly around the room. However, they leave a trail of damaging green creep behind themselves as they travel.
They are most often encountered when spawned by other enemies such as Mama Pooter or
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumbers are large variants of Maggots that slide around randomly with short dashes. Upon taking damage, they charge up before unleashing a massive barrage of brown projectiles behind it for a period, propelling it forwards in the process.
Sternums are skeletal variants of Chargers. When Isaac enters their line of sight they begin to charge, and accelerate in that direction. When it impacts an obstacle, a wall, another enemy, or Isaac, it will stop in place and release 3 rib projectiles outwards which stop in place a certain distance away from the Sternum. After a short period, the Sternum will pull the ribs back towards itself and then resume its normal behavior.
Splodums are explosive variants of Sternums. Instead of being stunned when impacting an obstacle while charging, they will immediately explode and scatter 3 arcing bone projectiles in random directions.
Carriers are large Maggots that are host to a Small Crazy Long Legs. They will crawl aimlessly around the room in the cardinal directions. When Isaac crosses its line of sight in front of it, the Carrier will either spit a Ball of Spiders straight forward which spawns 2
Spiders upon impacting an obstacle, or a short ranged white projectile which leaves a
Cobweb on impact.
The Ball of Spiders spit by Carrier can be shot and destroyed early to immediately spawn the Spiders, while the white projectile can't be shot down but can slow Isaac for a period upon hitting him.
On death, the Small Crazy Long Legs will burst free from its Carrier and begin to chase Isaac.
Gorgers are super-sized variants of Dank Chargers. They leave a constant trail of black creep behind them, and when Isaac enters their line of sight, they wind up a moment before performing a fast charge towards him that will destroy obstacles in their path. They are briefly stunned after charging into a wall before resuming their normal behavior. They can detect Isaac's position and will charge at him even if obstacles are between them.
Gorgers deal a full heart of contact damage.
Magleeches are Maggot variants found in Utero. They wander around randomly, and will occasionally latch onto any nearby obstacles or walls and puff up before propelling themselves backwards firing a torrent of long-rang bone projectiles in the opposite direction as they do so. They will stop upon reaching an obstacle or wall.
Retches are a Maggot variant that resemble stomachs. They move at a quick pace randomly around the room, periodically stopping to spray out a fountain of projectiles that leave puddles of slowing orange creep on the ground where they land.
- Sea Cucumber was originally from the unreleased Flooded Caves Overhaul MOD.
- The behavior of Sea Cucumbers are based upon their real life counterpart which projectile-poop their own organs when threatened.
- Sternum was originally called "Bonecharger" and Splodum was called "Black Bonecharger".
- There are alternate sprites and animations in the files for Splodum that are labelled as "new". These made it more closely resemble Sternum, being a black recolor. Despite being technically "new" and therefore 'updated' the reason these sprites weren't used is unknown.
- Magleeches were unused in the initial AB+ release of Fiend Folio.
- Retch was originally from the unreleased Morbus MOD.
- Gorgers are likely based on the monster of the same name from the game, The End is Nigh.