Ghostse are ghost enemies that float slowly after Isaac. Periodically, it will spew out a torrent of poop projectiles, propelling itself diagonally until it flies off-screen. After which it will reappear in a close position diagonal of Isaac and continue propelling itself. It will repeat this attack 1-3 times before stopping in the middle of its last charge.
Ripcords are a variant of Ghostse that fire a string of connected Bead Flies instead of a stream of poop projectiles. Ripcord cannot teleport and instead comes to a halt after spawning a 7th consecutive Bead Fly or leaving the boundaries of the room, where it will return to chasing down Isaac.
Ripcord will no longer attempt to attack if there are 8 or more Bead Flies alive in the room.
- Ghostse's name and appearance is a reference to "Goatse", an infamous shock image that depicts a man undertaking a similar act as the enemy.
- Ghostse is the final boss of Easy Mode.
- Its behavior is modified in this mode as it will only spawn Rainbow Poop, and become charmed if it touches Isaac.
- Ripcord was developed and added to the mod in secret after a disagreement on whether it was too obscene for the game.
- When pushing Ripcord to the live development version, it was disguised as a stability patch for
- When pushing Ripcord to the live development version, it was disguised as a stability patch for
- Ripcord is designed to resemble a "flasher" — a criminal practice where individuals indecently expose themselves publicly.