Enlightened are Gaper-like enemies that quickly chase after Isaac, and often spawn alongside other Unenlightened and Inner Eyes. They periodically slow down to fire 4 homing projectiles cardinally, followed shortly by 4 more ordinally. After 1-2 attacks, they will pause to launch their Inner Eye upwards, which will land on top of Isaac's location — its landing location marked with a reticle. Upon landing, the Inner Eye will spawn a large pool of damaging purple creep.
When this happens, the Enlightened will become an Unenlightened.
On death, Enlightened will spawn an Inner Eye.
Inner Eye
Inner Eyes are generally spawned from Enlightened, but can also spawn on their own, usually alongside other Enlightened and Unenlightened. They will hop around in random directions very rapidly, leaving small puddles of damaging purple creep with each hop and firing a short-ranged homing projectile towards Isaac with every other hop.
If an Unenlightened exists in the room, they will instead hop towards it and enter to become an Enlightened. Enlightened created this way will not deal contact damage.
Unenlightened are uninhabited Enlighteneds, which remain stationary and will not deal contact damage, but will still block movement and tears from Isaac, and can be pushed around slightly. They are mostly invulnerable but can be killed by explosions.
They are generally spawned from Enlighteneds, but can sometimes spawn on their own, while always accompanied by other Enlighteneds or Inner Eyes.
They will remain even after the room is cleared and will disappear once Isaac leaves the room.