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Slammers are one of the Fiend Folio MOD's most iconic enemies! Being quite simple, they have a multitude of variants.

Slammers will jump high off-screen towards Isaac's position, with a shadow indicating its position while mid-air. After a period, the Slammer will fall back down, dealing contact damage.



Wimpies act very similarly to regular Slammers, but will hop more often and remain in the air for a shorter time, while also reducing their jumping distance.


S'Mores, unlike normal Slammers, will hop towards random points in the room. They leave a trail of gunpowder while leaping, and ignite the line upon landing.


  • If exposed to the explosion of a Water TNT.png Water TNT, S'Mores will be extinguished, removing their ability to leave gunpowder and ignite it.


Hosters are fusions between Slammers and Host.png Hosts. They make much larger hops than Slammers and spend more time mid-air. Like Hosts, they are invulnerable to all forms of damage when their skull is lowered. Shortly after landing they will pop up and shoot 3 spread projectiles towards Isaac, revealing a fleshy stem that can be damaged. They will be stunned for a moment when bombed with their skull lowered.

Hosters will not deal contact damage.


Quakers are fusions between Slammers and Quakey.png Quakeys. Upon landing, they shoot out 4 rock projectiles in the cardinal directions and cause a line of rocks to fall from the ceiling, which starts around their position and trails towards Isaac. Isaac will be knocked back if he's standing in Quaker's zone of impact and the impact will destroy any nearby obstacles. They hop less often than Slammers, as they remain in place for the duration of the rock rain.


Flinties are fusions between Slammers and Singe.png Singe. Flinties will charge up every time it hops. When jumping, they create a small explosion that breaks up to 4 tiles and creates pits below them.


Smashers are a more aggressive variant of Slammers, hopping faster. Upon landing, they will release a small puddle of red creep and a splash of bloody projectiles.

Stoney Slammer

Stoney Slammers are an invulnerable variant of Slammers that die when the room is cleared. Upon landing, they create a short-ranged ring of rock waves which expands outwards once.


Crackers are skeletal Slammers that, upon landing, fire 4 boomeranging rib projectiles around them. These projectiles will rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise while they travel and return.


Slimers are a dank variant of Slammers. Upon landing, they leave a pool of black creep and fire 3 arcing black projectiles that leave smaller black creep pools where they land. If they land on black creep, they will submerge in it, firing a ring of 6 black projectiles and 3 larger projectiles that travel further and spawn a Tar Bubble.png Tar Bubble where they land. After a short amount of time, they re-emerge from any nearby pool of black creep and repeat the process.


Shakers are Slammers made out of salt. They generally hop towards random points in the room but will hop over Isaac when he is close. While jumping they leave a trail of cosmetic salt, and rain down very slow falling salt projectiles on that trail.


Rancors are fusions between Slammers and Grudge.png Grudges. They are much more accurate at tracking Isaac's position when hopping, and their landing position is indicated by a square reticle. Upon landing, if there's a clear path between a Rancor and Isaac in any cardinal direction, it will release spikes and quickly slide towards him, pausing a moment when colliding with an obstacle and then sliding again if Isaac is still within a cardinal direction. This is repeated until Isaac is no longer lined up cardinally after which Rancor will resume hopping.

Like Grudges, Rancors can also activate buttons if they move on top of them.


Thwammies are massive Slammers that function as obstacles. They will start out the room visible before rising slowly into the air, casting a large shadow. Whenever Isaac crosses underneath one, the Thwammy will quickly slam down, crushing Isaac and any enemies caught in the radius. If Isaac is hit by this attack, he will be slowed and visually squished for a moment.


  • Thwammies only deal contact damage at the very moment they slam down.


Marzlammers are rotten variant of Slammers. They hop less frequently than Slammers but can travel much farther with each jump. Upon landing, they spawn a single Small Maggot.png Small Maggot and shoot out 3 evenly-spaced waving trails of 3 projectiles.


Doomers are demonic variant of Slammers, resembling The Beast.png The Beast. They hop less frequently than Slammers but can travel much farther with each jump. Upon landing, they wait for a short amount of time before aiming 4 faint orange indicator beams in the cardinal directions, followed by firing Brimstone.png Brimstone lasers in those directions.


  • Most Slammer variants will have 'waiting' variants of themselves. Unique to other waiting enemies, when activated, some variants of waiting Slammers will drop down and immediately perform their slam effect if they have one. These are:
    • Quaker
    • Cracker
    • Slimer (will not fire projectiles)
    • Rancor (able to slide after Isaac after landing)


  • Slammers took inspiration from the Thwomp, an enemy from the Super Mario Bros. series.
    • Thwammy is a much clearer reference, acting nearly identically to Thwomps.
    • Wimpies consequently take inspiration from Thwimps, a smaller variant of the Thwomp.
  • The Slammer was originally created for a mod known as REM, or Random Enemy MOD, before being incorporated into Fiend Folio MOD.
  • During Reheated's development, a community poll was made in order to determine what new color palette will be assigned to Slammers. The options were Dusky Rose and Rose Gold. Rose Gold won eventually and is included in the mod's files.
  • There is a variant of a Slammer known as a Stompy.png Stompy. It can only appear when the Retribution MOD is active and behaves identically to Slammers but creates a puddle of red creep and releases a ring of 5 short-ranged projectiles upon landing.
  • S'More's name is a reference to a popular American food consisting of a layer of chocolate and a toasted marshmallow put in between two graham crackers.
  • Hosters were originally called Skullcap before being renamed.
  • Shaker's visual appearance is a reference to Edith, a cut character from the Antibirth MOD.
  • Marzlammer is a reference to casu marzu, a cheese known for containing live maggots.
  • Doomer is a reference to the fact that, when the Afterbirth+ edition of Fiend Folio was still installed, The Beast and Slammer had the same ID, which unintentionally spoiled some people in the bestiary on the release of Repentance.
  • Slammers and Wimpies have a unique appearance when encountered on the Glacier floor if the Revelations MOD is installed.


SlammersLeftIcon32px.png Enemies SlammersRightIcon32px.png
Basement Slammer - Wimpy - Red Horf - Mutant Horf - Mr. Horf - Mr. Red Horf - Morsel - Pester - Slim - Limb - Bowler - Loafer - Slobber - Bleeder - Casualty - Dung - Tall Boi - Shitling - Shot Fly - Shoter - Square Fly - Bumbler - Potluck - Poobottle - Butt Fly - Weaver - Drink Worm - Benign - Drumstick - Tap
Cellar Spooter - Super Spooter - Skuzz - Ring Skuzz - Army Skuzz - Baby Spider - Sticky Sack - Walking Sticky Sack - Ransacked - Coby - Nanny Long Legs - Brood - Zingling - Beeter - Hover - Honey Eye - Stingler - Homer - Honeydrip - Marge - Haunted - Yawner - Crotchety - Dim - Spoop - Shirk
Burning Basement S'More - Woodburner - Wick - Mr. Flare - Mr. Crisply - Powderkeg - Mullikaboom - Fried - Spitroast - Spark - Charlie - Sooty - Big Smoke - Brisket - Smogger - Mote - Fumegeist - Smokin - Flamin - Trailblazer - Chili - Litling - Commission
Downpour Buoy - Buckethead - Mr. Sub Horf - Rift Walker - Cushion - Skipper - Archer - Mayfly - Mightfly - Dewdrop - Floaty - Mini-Min - Bellow - Tricko - Ring Leader - Aleya - Ignis - Bubby - Deathany - Tango - Onlyfan - Zephyr - Cuffs - Glass Eye
Dross Shitty Horf - Dollop - Connipshit - Residuum - Pipeneck - Shottie - Coloscope - Stomy - Wasty - Delinquent - Peepisser - Cathy - Fishy - Catfish - Croca - Unshornz
Caves Milk Tooth - Foamy - Slick - Stump - Pale Slim - Jim - Pale Limb - Pale Bleeder - Balor - Eyesore - Fathead - Poople - Dweller - Resident - Fishaac - Fossilized Boom Fly - Edema - Weaver Sr. - Bunker Worm - Roly Poly - Centipede - Snagger - Hooligan - Globlet - Meatwad - Chunky - Shiitake - Ramblin' Evil Mushroom - Cordy - Splattercap - Mobile Mushroom - Wobbles - Infected Mushroom - Cordify - Smidgen - Red Smidgen - Hoster - Frowny
Catacombs Sniffle - Tado Kid - Tot - Shrunken Head - Desirer - Seducer - Spitum - Mr. Gurgle - Ragurge - Sackboy - Spinneretch - Spider Egg - Ogre Creep - Scope Creep - Warhead - Sourpatch - Sourpatch Head - Sourpatch Body - Bunch - Grape - Carrot - Mama Pooter - Creepy Maggot - Flickerspirit - Menace - Dr. Shambles - Mothman - Drunk Worm - Matte - Colonel
Flooded Caves Drop - Dribble - Nimbus - Floodface - Tubby - Geyser - Warty - Bubble Bat - Cistern - Bubble Blowing Double Baby - Globulon - Gutbuster - Offal - Eroded Host - Eroded Smidgen - Fishface - Frog - Madclaw - Zapbladder - Wire - Anemone - Clam - Puffer - Squid - Sea Cucumber - Dolphin - Sponge - Panini - Isopoly - Lightning Fly - Volt - Drainfly - Aquabab - Wetstone - Bubble - Watery Bubble - Explosive Bubble - Fly Bubble - Spider Bubble - Isopoly Bubble
Mines Glob - Sizzle - Fuego - Roasty - Coalby - Coupile - Cairn - Golden Fly Bomb - Anode - Craig - Grazer - Technician - Shock Collar - Drillbit - Thumper - Nubert - Quaker - Stalagnaught - Speleo - Anti Golem - Crucible - Blastcore - Rufus - Grilled Chunky - Grilled Meatwad - Cappin - Spanky - Pillar John - Super Grimace
Ashpit Flesh Sistren - Shellmet - Spiroll - Prick - Fireswirl - Pyroclasm - Dry Wheeze - Marlin - Fishfreak - Clickety Clash - Ossularry - Skitter Skull - Krass Blaster - Dried Offal - Bombmuncher - Flinty - Blasted - Ashtray - Ztewie - Briar - Beebee - Phoenix - Gritty - Hangman - Casted
Depths Flanks - Flagpole - Blare - Striker - Pale Loafer - Smasher - Stoney Slammer - Hollow Knight - Toxic Knight - Squire - Patzer - King - Scoop - Sundae - Soft Serve - Corn Load - Load - Ghostse - Gnawful - Peek-a-boo - Temper - Banshee - Spook - Mistmonger - Sleeper - Wailer - Dungeon Master - G. Host - Thousand Eyes - Scythe Rider - Eternal Flickerspirit - Viscerspirit
Necropolis Bone Worm - Sternum - Splodum - Doom Fly - Crepitus - Mr. Bones - Possessed - Moaner - Cracker - Jawbone - Ribbone - Ribeye - Unpawtunate - Fracture - Molar System - Lil' Jon - Spinny - Creepterum - Baro - Ring of Ring Flies - Calzone - Carrier - Gary - Dangler - Tombit - Gravin
Dank Depths Blot - Tar Bubble - Guflush - Squidge - Melty - Pitcher - Mr. Gob - Gob - Gunk - Slag - Gis - Slimer - Gorger - Sludge Host - Gobhopper - Skuzzball - Small Skuzzball - Grater - Clogmo - Piper - Boiler - Litter Bug - Toxic Litter Bug - Trashbagger - Dumptruck - Dope's Head - Bunkter - Furnace
Mausoleum Shaker - Rancor - Clergy - Alfil - Zealot - Psychoknight - Pale Gaper - Pale Gusher - Pale Horf - Pale Clotty - Sixth - Arcane Creep - Psycho Fly - Psystalk - Stolas - Morvid - Acolyte - Skulltist - Zissuru - Madhat - Psyclopia - Alderman - Lunksack - Shi - Empath - Grimoire - Nihilist - Looksee - Temptress - Grievance
Gehenna Bull - Super Shottie - Discy - Nobody - Dangerous Disc - Scowl Creep - Maze Runner - Aper - Tagbag - Gabber - Gamper - Gutter - Ripcord - Bead Fly - Manic Fly - Pitchfork Hitcher - Kukodemon - Haemo - Lurch - Punisher - Apega - Eye of Shaggoth - Sensory Grimace - Thwammy
Womb Spicy Dip - Berry - Craterface - Drooler - Harletwin - Nuchal - Punted - Forgotten Fetus - Lil Al - C Word - Neonate - Thread - Warble - Strobila - Redema - Globscraper - Glorf - Globwad - Toothache - Chops - Chummer - Foe - Quack - Motor Neuron - Plexus - Womb Pillar - Immural
Utero Heartbeat - Valvo - Jammed - Red Jammed - Tittle - Bola - Astroskull - Sagging Sucker - Trickle - Magleech - Retch - Bladder - Minimoon - Peepling - Onlooker - Utero Pillar - Organelle - Cordend - Artery - Vein - Peepee
Scarred Womb Curdle - Nailhead - Contestant - Facade - Vacuole - Gleek - Incisor - Starving - Mouthful - Lipoma - Pox - Cellulitis - Dogmeat - Flailer - Brooter - Myiasis - Head Honcho
Corpse Marzlammer - Rotdrink - Rotskull - Rotspin - Spoilie - Sagging Spit - Droolie - Diagetic - Gut Knight - Fingore - Bamboo Cutter - Frayed Nerve - Torment - Putrefatty - Coconut - Wheezer - Whale - Whale Guts - Weeper - Cancer Boy - Musk - Foetus - Foetu - Bub - Molly - Toma Chunk - Small Conglobberate - Medium Conglobberate - Large Conglobberate - Molargan - Oralid - Oralopede - Quitter - Tommy - Benny - Knot - Nematode - Steralis - Lurker
Cathedral Chorister - Enlightened - Inner Eye - Effigy - Primemind - Deadfly - Holy Clotty - Holy Wobbles - Cherub - Warden - Cherubskull - Armoured Looker - Looker - Seeker - Watcher - Watcher Eye - Dogrock - Congression - Specturn
Sheol Doomer - Dread Maw - Dread Weaver - Thrall - Dominated - Ms. Dominator - Psi Hunter - Psyeg - Psiling - Psleech - Psionic Knight - Outlier - Crosseyes - Foreseer - Observer - Umbra - Blistered Umbra - Eclipse - Sombra - Blazer - Cauldron
Dark Room Slim Shady - Red Hand
Ascent & Home Beacon - Dizzy - Reaper - Roy Geralt Dericott II - Missing Link - Mag Gaper - Mag Horf - Mag Clotty - Accursed - Buckshot - Really Tall Boi
Miscellaneous Ticking Fly - Full Spider - Custom Moter - Charmed Litter Bug - Fossil - Haunch - Lonely Knight - Mold - Sentry - Sentry Shell - Elite Jon