Skuzzes are a variant of Spiders with only two large legs that move around by hopping. They hop very slowly, waiting for several seconds between each hop. If Isaac is close by, it will hop towards his general direction.
Ring Skuzz
Ring Skuzzes are a variant of Skuzzes that are similar to Ring Flies. They will hop after Isaac quicker than regular Skuzzes while trying to maintain a loose circle formation. They will travel clockwise in this circle with each jump.
Army Skuzz
Army Skuzzes are a variant of Skuzzes that are similar to Army Flies. They will periodically hop 3 times towards Isaac consecutively, trying to land on the spot of the next Skuzz in line.
Skuzzballs are a large conglomerate of spiders in the shape of a Skuzz, which have a short wind-up before taking large leaps into the air.
A Skuzzball will spawn up to 3 Spiders as they take damage and reach specific health thresholds, transforming into a Small Skuzzball once they are below half health.
Small Skuzzball
Small Skuzzballs are smaller versions of Skuzzballs that behave identically, but hop slightly more often.
They are able to spawn 3 more Spiders before turning into a Skuzz on death.
- All Skuzz and their variants can be affected by
Bursting Sack, removing their ability to deal contact damage.
- Skuzzballs are based on harvestmen, a species of arachnid that form massive colonies that look like balls of fur or hair.
- Skuzzballs might be also a reference to the slang term "scuzzball", used to describe a disgusting or despicable person.