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Specturns are invulnerable holy ghosts that orbit other enemies, tears will pass through them and they will not deal contact damage. At the start of the room, a set number of selected enemies in the room will begin orbiting Specturn's host enemy.
When Specturn's host is killed, the Specturn will die with them. Specturns that are orbiting invulnerable hosts will only die once the room is cleared.
- Specturns can apply a few behavioral properties to orbiting enemies that is determined by the room layout:
- Specturn's orbit can be set to move either clockwise or counterclockwise, with other enemies connected to Specturn following its rotation.
- Enemies orbiting with Specturn can be set to become invulnerable, requiring their Specturn to be killed to dispatch them.
- Enemies in orbit can be set to either die when their Specturn is killed, or be released once their Specturn is killed, resuming their normal behavior.
- Specturns can cause completely invulnerable and immobile enemies such as
Glass Eyes to orbit, these will always die with the Specturn.
- Specturns can cause completely invulnerable and immobile enemies such as
- The distance other enemies orbit is also varied and does not need to be aligned with the Specturn, which will always orbit close to the host.
- Specturns were originally made by Fiend Folio developer Ferrium, when messing around with giving enemies the orbiting AI of
Eternal Flies while making a joke enemy.
- In the MOD's files, a placeholder sprite for Specturn can be found, which appears to be the pixelated ghost from the "It Is A Mystery" meme.