Colonels are large flying beehives that float around slowly, trying to maintain a set distance away from Isaac. After a moment, a Colonel will spawn 8 Zingies to orbit around itself. If a Colonel has 2 or less orbiting Zingies, it will spawn more until it has 8.
If they have more than 2 Zingies, they will occasionally perform either of the following 2 attacks:
- Commands all orbiting Zingies to fire a projectile towards Isaac.
- Sends one Zingy after Isaac in a loose but quick charge until it hits a wall. The Zingy will then stick into the wall, staying as an obstacle until killed.
Zingies are small bee enemies spawned exclusively by Colonels. Their behavior depends solely on their Colonel and upon the Colonel's death, all Zingies spawned by it will collectively charge after Isaac, embedding themselves into walls. Charging Zingies must either be killed or embed themselves to clear a room.
Embedded Zingies will still deal contact damage and can be killed, but do not have to be killed in order to clear the room.
- Colonel was originally named Hivemind.
- Prior to The Reheated Update, Colonel spawned
Zinglings instead of Zingies. Colonel's Afterbirth+ incarnation still exists hidden within the game, under the name Retired Colonel.
- Retired Colonel can be found in a single room in Catacombs.