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Edemas are floating enemies that stick to walls and obstacles. They periodically detach and move quickly in a diagonal direction until they another hit a wall or obstacle. When they do, they stop there for a moment before moving again at a 90° angle.



Redemas are variants of Edemas that will fire a projectile towards Isaac if he is in their line of sight each time they hit a wall or obstacle. Upon death, Redemas fire 4 projectiles in the ordinal directions.


  • Edemas and Redemas were added in The Monthiversary Update.
  • Edemas and Redemas have a variety of expressions they take after each dash.
  • An edema is the build-up of fluids inside body tissues, which causes swelling.
  • Edemas are based on the monster of the same name from the game, The End is Nigh.
  • Edemas have a unique appearance when encountered on the Tomb floor if the Revelations MOD is installed.
  • Edemas have a unique appearance when encountered on the Future floor if the THE FUTURE MOD is installed.
  • Redemas have a unique appearance when encountered on the Mortis floor if the Last Judgement MOD is installed.


SlammersLeftIcon32px.png Enemies SlammersRightIcon32px.png
Basement Slammer - Wimpy - Red Horf - Mutant Horf - Mr. Horf - Mr. Red Horf - Morsel - Pester - Slim - Limb - Bowler - Loafer - Slobber - Bleeder - Casualty - Dung - Tall Boi - Shitling - Shot Fly - Shoter - Square Fly - Bumbler - Potluck - Poobottle - Butt Fly - Weaver - Drink Worm - Benign - Drumstick - Tap
Cellar Spooter - Super Spooter - Skuzz - Ring Skuzz - Army Skuzz - Baby Spider - Sticky Sack - Walking Sticky Sack - Ransacked - Coby - Nanny Long Legs - Brood - Zingling - Beeter - Hover - Honey Eye - Stingler - Homer - Honeydrip - Marge - Haunted - Yawner - Crotchety - Dim - Spoop - Shirk
Burning Basement S'More - Woodburner - Wick - Mr. Flare - Mr. Crisply - Powderkeg - Mullikaboom - Fried - Spitroast - Spark - Charlie - Sooty - Big Smoke - Brisket - Smogger - Mote - Fumegeist - Smokin - Flamin - Trailblazer - Chili - Litling - Commission
Downpour Buoy - Buckethead - Mr. Sub Horf - Rift Walker - Cushion - Skipper - Archer - Mayfly - Mightfly - Dewdrop - Floaty - Mini-Min - Bellow - Tricko - Ring Leader - Aleya - Ignis - Bubby - Deathany - Tango - Onlyfan - Zephyr - Cuffs - Glass Eye
Dross Shitty Horf - Dollop - Connipshit - Residuum - Pipeneck - Shottie - Coloscope - Stomy - Wasty - Delinquent - Peepisser - Cathy - Fishy - Catfish - Croca - Unshornz
Caves Milk Tooth - Foamy - Slick - Stump - Pale Slim - Jim - Pale Limb - Pale Bleeder - Balor - Eyesore - Fathead - Poople - Dweller - Resident - Fishaac - Fossilized Boom Fly - Edema - Weaver Sr. - Bunker Worm - Roly Poly - Centipede - Snagger - Hooligan - Globlet - Meatwad - Chunky - Shiitake - Ramblin' Evil Mushroom - Cordy - Splattercap - Mobile Mushroom - Wobbles - Infected Mushroom - Cordify - Smidgen - Red Smidgen - Hoster - Frowny
Catacombs Sniffle - Tado Kid - Tot - Shrunken Head - Desirer - Seducer - Spitum - Mr. Gurgle - Ragurge - Sackboy - Spinneretch - Spider Egg - Ogre Creep - Scope Creep - Warhead - Sourpatch - Sourpatch Head - Sourpatch Body - Bunch - Grape - Carrot - Mama Pooter - Creepy Maggot - Flickerspirit - Menace - Dr. Shambles - Mothman - Drunk Worm - Matte - Colonel
Flooded Caves Drop - Dribble - Nimbus - Floodface - Tubby - Geyser - Warty - Bubble Bat - Cistern - Bubble Blowing Double Baby - Globulon - Gutbuster - Offal - Eroded Host - Eroded Smidgen - Fishface - Frog - Madclaw - Zapbladder - Wire - Anemone - Clam - Puffer - Squid - Sea Cucumber - Dolphin - Sponge - Panini - Isopoly - Lightning Fly - Volt - Drainfly - Aquabab - Wetstone - Bubble - Watery Bubble - Explosive Bubble - Fly Bubble - Spider Bubble - Isopoly Bubble
Mines Glob - Sizzle - Fuego - Roasty - Coalby - Coupile - Cairn - Golden Fly Bomb - Anode - Craig - Grazer - Technician - Shock Collar - Drillbit - Thumper - Nubert - Quaker - Stalagnaught - Speleo - Anti Golem - Crucible - Blastcore - Rufus - Grilled Chunky - Grilled Meatwad - Cappin - Spanky - Pillar John - Super Grimace
Ashpit Flesh Sistren - Shellmet - Spiroll - Prick - Fireswirl - Pyroclasm - Dry Wheeze - Marlin - Fishfreak - Clickety Clash - Ossularry - Skitter Skull - Krass Blaster - Dried Offal - Bombmuncher - Flinty - Blasted - Ashtray - Ztewie - Briar - Beebee - Phoenix - Gritty - Hangman - Casted
Depths Flanks - Flagpole - Blare - Striker - Pale Loafer - Smasher - Stoney Slammer - Hollow Knight - Toxic Knight - Squire - Patzer - King - Scoop - Sundae - Soft Serve - Corn Load - Load - Ghostse - Gnawful - Peek-a-boo - Temper - Banshee - Spook - Mistmonger - Sleeper - Wailer - Dungeon Master - G. Host - Thousand Eyes - Scythe Rider - Eternal Flickerspirit - Viscerspirit
Necropolis Bone Worm - Sternum - Splodum - Doom Fly - Crepitus - Mr. Bones - Possessed - Moaner - Cracker - Jawbone - Ribbone - Ribeye - Unpawtunate - Fracture - Molar System - Lil' Jon - Spinny - Creepterum - Baro - Ring of Ring Flies - Calzone - Carrier - Gary - Dangler - Tombit - Gravin
Dank Depths Blot - Tar Bubble - Guflush - Squidge - Melty - Pitcher - Mr. Gob - Gob - Gunk - Slag - Gis - Slimer - Gorger - Sludge Host - Gobhopper - Skuzzball - Small Skuzzball - Grater - Clogmo - Piper - Boiler - Litter Bug - Toxic Litter Bug - Trashbagger - Dumptruck - Dope's Head - Bunkter - Furnace
Mausoleum Shaker - Rancor - Clergy - Alfil - Zealot - Psychoknight - Pale Gaper - Pale Gusher - Pale Horf - Pale Clotty - Sixth - Arcane Creep - Psycho Fly - Psystalk - Stolas - Morvid - Acolyte - Skulltist - Zissuru - Madhat - Psyclopia - Alderman - Lunksack - Shi - Empath - Grimoire - Nihilist - Looksee - Temptress - Grievance
Gehenna Bull - Super Shottie - Discy - Nobody - Dangerous Disc - Scowl Creep - Maze Runner - Aper - Tagbag - Gabber - Gamper - Gutter - Ripcord - Bead Fly - Manic Fly - Pitchfork Hitcher - Kukodemon - Haemo - Lurch - Punisher - Apega - Eye of Shaggoth - Sensory Grimace - Thwammy
Womb Spicy Dip - Berry - Craterface - Drooler - Harletwin - Nuchal - Punted - Forgotten Fetus - Lil Al - C Word - Neonate - Thread - Warble - Strobila - Redema - Globscraper - Glorf - Globwad - Toothache - Chops - Chummer - Foe - Quack - Motor Neuron - Plexus - Womb Pillar - Immural
Utero Heartbeat - Valvo - Jammed - Red Jammed - Tittle - Bola - Astroskull - Sagging Sucker - Trickle - Magleech - Retch - Bladder - Minimoon - Peepling - Onlooker - Utero Pillar - Organelle - Cordend - Artery - Vein - Peepee
Scarred Womb Curdle - Nailhead - Contestant - Facade - Vacuole - Gleek - Incisor - Starving - Mouthful - Lipoma - Pox - Cellulitis - Dogmeat - Flailer - Brooter - Myiasis - Head Honcho
Corpse Marzlammer - Rotdrink - Rotskull - Rotspin - Spoilie - Sagging Spit - Droolie - Diagetic - Gut Knight - Fingore - Bamboo Cutter - Frayed Nerve - Torment - Putrefatty - Coconut - Wheezer - Whale - Whale Guts - Weeper - Cancer Boy - Musk - Foetus - Foetu - Bub - Molly - Toma Chunk - Small Conglobberate - Medium Conglobberate - Large Conglobberate - Molargan - Oralid - Oralopede - Quitter - Tommy - Benny - Knot - Nematode - Steralis - Lurker
Cathedral Chorister - Enlightened - Inner Eye - Effigy - Primemind - Deadfly - Holy Clotty - Holy Wobbles - Cherub - Warden - Cherubskull - Armoured Looker - Looker - Seeker - Watcher - Watcher Eye - Dogrock - Congression - Specturn
Sheol Doomer - Dread Maw - Dread Weaver - Thrall - Dominated - Ms. Dominator - Psi Hunter - Psyeg - Psiling - Psleech - Psionic Knight - Outlier - Crosseyes - Foreseer - Observer - Umbra - Blistered Umbra - Eclipse - Sombra - Blazer - Cauldron
Dark Room Slim Shady - Red Hand
Ascent & Home Beacon - Dizzy - Reaper - Roy Geralt Dericott II - Missing Link - Mag Gaper - Mag Horf - Mag Clotty - Accursed - Buckshot - Really Tall Boi
Miscellaneous Ticking Fly - Full Spider - Custom Moter - Charmed Litter Bug - Fossil - Haunch - Lonely Knight - Mold - Sentry - Sentry Shell - Elite Jon