Mod Compatibility

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This page is about other mods that interact with Fiend Folio: Reheated.

Required Mods

Fiend Folio requires Stage API to work properly! Make sure you have it installed as well!

  • Fiend Folio will require Repentogon for all future updates.

Major Compatibility

If you've enjoyed Fiend Folio, you'll be happy to hear we've worked hard to add compatibility with other mods! The following mods have special features accessible by having both Fiend Folio and themself enabled:

Minor Compatibility

The following mods have special interactions or features that ensure both mods work well with each other:

  • Abyss++: Fiend Folio has Abyss locust sprites inspired by this mod, so this mod can give vanilla items the same look.
  • Improved & Reworked Foes: Some Fiend Folio enemies have their behavior modified to match their Improved & Reworked Foes counterparts.
    • Dangler.png Danglers gain the new coin-stealing mechanic of Hangers.
    • Seducer.png Seducers gain the ability to heal by damaging the player.
    • Hostlet.png Hostlets can turn into Red Hostlet.png Red Hostlets if the "host skull cracking" option is enabled.
    • Kidney of Infamy.png Kidney of Infamy has been reworked to behave more like the reworked non-champion version of the boss.
  • Repentance Plus: Repentance Plus' custom heart pickups will work with Fiend Folio's Custom Health API.
    • As the Repentance Plus mod adds their own version of the King/Queen/Jack playing cards, Fiend Folio's can be disabled in the Dead Sea Scrolls menu to avoid confusion.
    • Outside wiki page: Repentance Plus Wiki
  • Immortal Hearts: Immortal Heart pickups will also work with Fiend Folio's Custom Health API.
  • Andromeda: Andromeda adds a new item pool and transformation that Fiend Folio's items in contribute to.
    • Ophiuchus Ophiuchus, Cetus Cetus, and Musca Musca appear in the Abandoned Planetarium item pool.
    • Ophiuchus Ophiuchus, Cetus Cetus, Musca Musca, Deimos Deimos, and Nyx Nyx contribute to the Spode transformation.
    • As the Andromeda mod adds their own version of Ophiuchus, Fiend Folio's can be disabled in the Dead Sea Scrolls menu to avoid confusion.
  • Giant Props: The team behind Giant Props have released a sister mod that adds rooms with both Giant Props's and Fiend Folio's features.
  • Encyclopedia: Fiend Folio's entries for External Item Descriptions are auto-generated into Encyclopedia pages.
  • Ugh for Bad Items: FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend and GolemCoopIcon.png Golem will have unique expressions when reacting to items of low quality.
  • Pog for Good Items: FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend and GolemCoopIcon.png Golem will have unique expressions when reacting to items of high quality.
  • Excelsior: The number of rockets fired by Excelsior Excelsior is boosted when this mod is enabled.
  • Alt Horsemen: The new alt horsemen bosses will use the 'New Age Nevermore' track while this mod is enabled with Fiend Folio.
  • Actual Pandora's Box!: Blue colored items in Fiend Folio can be spawned via the reworked item pool that this mod gives to Pandora's Box.
  • REROLL YOUR SOUNDTRACK: Unique music composed by Pittsbourne will play to replace the music Fiend Folio adds, such as in crawlspaces or when fighting one of Fiend Folio's bosses.
  • The Twitching of Isaac: Interactive commands added to support Fiend Folio's items and enemies.
  • Rune Rooms: With Fiend Folio enabled, rocks and obstacles in Rune Rooms will have a unique appearance to match the unique rocks found within most other rooms and floors.
    • Edema.png Edemas and Mr. Bones.png Mr. Bones have a unique appearance when encountered in The Future stage.
    • A few rooms featuring Fiend Folio entities can be found in The Future.
    • Fiend Folio's characters (including secret ones) have unique dialogue with the Steven NPC.
  • Crabby's Cretins: Mini-bosses encountered in chapter 5 have a 50/50 chance of being from either mod.
  • Ghost Pepper Rework!: Fiend Folio's enemies have unique interactions with the reworked Ghost Pepper.
  • Duke: Unique Heart Flies, as well as Heart Charges, spawned by the Duke, his Tainted counterpart, and various items in the mod have unique variants for both of Fiend Folio's new heart types. Additionally, Heart Spiders spawned via either of Fiend Folio's heart types are replaced with Heart Skuzzes.
    • Immoral Heart Fly - 1.5x damage multiplier, and spawns Immoral Minions upon blocking a bullet, instead of an attack fly. These minions turn back into Half Immoral Hearts on room clear.
    • Morbid Heart Fly - 1.3x damage multiplier, and a chance of bruising enemies on contact. When they block a bullet, they spawn a Morbid Chunk orbital instead of an attack fly.
    • Immoral Heart Charges - Fires tears with 2x damage. When fired, an Immoral Minion spawns.
    • Immoral Heart Skuzz - 1.5x damage multiplier and disappear when entering a new room.
    • Morbid Heart Charges - Fires tears with 2x damage. When fired, a Morbid Chunk orbital spawns.
    • Morbid Heart Skuzzes - 1.3x damage multiplier and bruise enemies on contact.
  • The Binding of Isaac Reshaken: Full shattered orb enemy elemental support, exclusive FF based rainbow pennies, custom beggar and slot machine interactions with spirit orbs, a full slew of spirit pills matching FF pill colors, and FF items available in custom item pools.
  • Boss Butch!:
    • Allows for a unique champion version of the new Mozzie boss to spawn; being based on Volt.png Volts.
    • Defuse.png Defuse works on Radical Rat's bombs as well as on Kamikaze Rats.
  • Jumbleguts!: An unofficial expansion for Fiend Folio, adding four new enemies lifted from Brutal Orchestra.
  • Extra Rooms: A mod based off of Fiend Folio which adds many new rooms to each floor.
  • Battle Fantasy: Items added by the mod have support for Loaded D6 Loaded D6 and Fuzzy Pickle.png Fuzzy Pickle, the ability to show up in FF's custom item pools, and 1 trinket it adds is also able to show up for GolemCoopIcon.png Golem.
  • Passive Skill Trees: Items from Fiend Folio are compatible with item pools introduced in this mod, and undead enemies from this mod are compatible with the Mighty Purifier weapon.


Certain mods can cause issues with Fiend Folio when used in conjunction, and therefore should be met with caution. The following lists will be updated sporadically.

Custom Health API

The following mods do not currently work with Custom Health API, a vital feature of Fiend Folio: Reheated, and may trigger a warning message to appear in-game. You should disable these mods when playing Fiend Folio:


The following mods do not currently work with Fiend Folio: Reheated in one way or another. You should disable these mods while playing lest you encounter major issues:

  • Genesis+ Septic Shock: The Reheated update will not work with Septic Shock, as the latter has not been ported to Repentance — however, it is still compatible in the Afterbirth+ version of Fiend Folio, even having added their own special reskinned enemies to appear in the Septic which have still been left over in Reheated.

The following mods have noteworthy bugs but otherwise work fine. You should decide for yourself whether these issues are important enough to disable the mod in question:

Fiend Folio has "consumed" a few smaller mods into itself! This means that if you have those mods AND Fiend Folio enabled, you should consider disabling said mods to avoid weird bugs, or redundancy such as duplicate items in the game: