Bellows are floating enemies reminiscent of Min-Min that will fly away from Isaac if he gets close, while attempting to hover around behind other enemies in the room and use them as cover. They periodically spawn 1-2 small
Level 2 Willos with reduced HP, depending on how many are currently alive. The Willos will either orbit it or the enemy that the Bellow is using as cover. A Bellow can only spawn up to 3 Level 2 Willos maximum, including the one that doesn't orbit it.
It will also prioritize spawning Willos to shield itself; it will always try to maintain 2 for itself, only ever spawning 1 per new enemy it chooses to hide behind, and will not replace that Willo if it is killed.
After a Bellow is killed, all its remaining Level 2 Willos are released and resume their regular behaviours.