On use, causes every valid obstacle in the room to be launched upwards, moving a short distance in a random direction. Obstacles will turn back to normal upon landing in a clear space.
Whilst being launched, these obstacles act as projectiles that deal 35 damage to enemies they come in contact with.
Launched rocks will break if they land on the same space as another rock, on an enemy, or outside the room's boundaries.
This includes obstacles that are normally unbreakable by most means, such as Metal Blocks.
If an obstacle lands on Spikes, the spikes will be overridden instead.
The full list of obstacles that can be affected by Snow Globe are:
When being moved, rocks will attempt to leave clear passageways between all doors in the room, and won't ever be placed directly in front of any door.
If Isaac leaves a room while there are obstacles in mid-air, they will all disappear when re-entering.
Broken Modem: Can cause some of the flying obstacles to glitch out and disappear.
Book of Virtues: Obstacles have a chance to create 1-3 rock wisps which orbit around the obstacle, and fire in the direction the player is shooting.
Abyss: Absorbing Snow Globe spawns a white Abyss Locust with a snowy appearance. Has no special effect and currently acts as a default Abyss locust.
Judas + Birthright: On use, a rapidly decaying damage up is granted based on the amount of obstacles moved. Maxes out at 5 grid entities for +5 damage.