On use, a large stone cube falls down over a random empty spot or enemy in the room. It will crush any enemies it falls on top of, killing them instantly.
Shooting at a stone cube will gradually chisel it into a statue, and once fully chiseled, it begins emitting an aura with special effects based on the statue's likeness and its color. After being fully chiseled, statues can continue to take damage by both Isaac and other enemies, with the statues having 35 HP. When destroyed, statues will create a ring of 8 rock projectiles that deal 1.5× Isaac's damage and have effects based on the original statue's aura.
Isaac: Emits a red aura that grants Isaac a +1.3 damage while inside of it. Enemies inside of the aura are inflicted with hemorrhaging.
If destroyed, creates rock projectiles that inflict enemies with hemorrhaging.
Magdalene: Emits a pink aura that grants Isaac +20% fire rate while inside of it. Enemies inside of the aura are charmed.
If destroyed, creates rock projectiles that charm enemies.
Fiend: Emits a purple aura that grants Isaac a 6.67% chance to shoot critical tears which deal 5× damage, while inside of it. Enemies inside of the aura are inflicted with fear.
If destroyed, creates rock projectiles with homing properties and inflicts enemies with fear.
Stone blocks have 3 stages of being chiseled before turning into a completed statue. Each instance of a tear hitting the stone block has a 50% chance of chiseling it by a stage.
Explosions and other enemy projectiles are also able to chisel a stone block — however, each instance will still only have a 50% to progress by a stage, regardless of source.
If Sculpted Pepper is used again to create a new stone block while a statue is already in the room, it will destroy the previous statue. Stone blocks that haven't been fully chiseled will not create rock projectiles when destroyed.