Brick Separators, when used, activates the Meat Cleaver effect, splitting all enemies in the room into two smaller versions with 40% HP each, and grants Isaac piercing tears for the room. Brick Separator will also turn Stud Pennies back into Studs, and any stacked Studs on the ground will explode, dealing 20 damage to enemies caught in the blast and splitting into individual Studs.
Studs, when used, drop a Stud Penny that are worth 1 Penny and deal fake damage to Isaac on pick up, activating on-hit effects, and also deal 5 damage per tick (30 damage per seconds) to enemies that walk over them. Picking up other Studs will stack them, up to 6, and using a stacked Stud will consume 1 from the stack and spawn a Stud Penny.
Adds a 20% chance for Pennies to be replaced with Studs.
This can not transform Pennies that have been seen already.