Rooms with enemies have a 50% chance for one of the enemies to have a golden glow.
Getting the glowing enemy within Isaac's line of sight will transfer the glow to him, temporarily giving him ×1.5 damage, +15% tear rate, and +3 luck. When the effect ends, another random enemy that is currently not within Isaac's line of sight is given the glow.
Twinkle of Contagion contributes to the Spun transformation.
Things that are counted as being in Isaac's "line of sight" is anything within 30° of whichever direction Isaac is facing, and is not behind anything that would impede direct line of sight (i.e Rocks).
While Isaac is under the effects of the glow, there is a 0.5% chance each frame (or a 15% chance every second) of it being taken away and granted to another enemy that is not within his line of sight.
As enemies cannot be granted the glow if they are in Isaac's line of sight, this allows him to keep the glow and its buffs for much longer if he keeps all enemies within his vision.
If there are any enemies that spawn alongside a boss with the glow, and the boss does not spawn enemies, this essentially grants the glow to Isaac for the duration of the entire room.
If an enemy with the glow is killed, another random enemy will be given it.