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Contraband is an active item added in The Reheated Update.

Disambig.svg This article is about the larger version of Contraband dropped by FakeBeggar.png Fake Beggars. For the smaller version, see ContrabandBack.png Small Contraband.


  • Upon use, Isaac consumes the item, which releases a bunch of white powder on the ground, activates the I'm Excited!!! pill effect and 8 stacks of the Wavy Cap.png Wavy Cap effect, and produces a flash card on screen that reads "OH NO...".
    • The I'm Excited!!! effect increases the game's speed for the room, and the Wavy Cap effect heavily distorts the screen while increasing Isaac's fire rate and lowering his speed. Clearing rooms will reduce the intensity of the Wavy Cap effect by 1 level.
  • Contraband can only be obtained by interacting with a FakeBeggar.png Fake Beggar, and can be given to the ShadyBeggar.png Dealer, who will reward Isaac with 2-3 items from the Drug Dealer Pool Icon.png Drug Dealer item pool.
  • If Isaac leaves Contraband behind on an item pedestal, leaving and re-entering the room will cause a Snagger.png Snagger to appear and immediately take the Contraband and flee off-screen.


  • The Dealer will not reward Isaac if he isn't holding the Contraband, so it is obviously more beneficial for Isaac to keep the item on hand until the next floor rather than consume it. Note that Isaac may have to leave his previously held active item behind in order to complete this task, unless he has Schoolbag.png Schoolbag, which makes this more trivial.


  • Thank-You Fossil Thank-You Fossil: Causes the ShadyBeggar.png Dealer to drop additional items when delivering Contraband. This has no effect on FakeBeggar.png Fake Beggars.
  • Car Battery.png Car Battery: No effect when using Contraband.
  • Book of Virtues.png Book of Virtues: Contraband does not create any wisp when consumed.
  • Damocles.png Damocles: The ShadyBeggar.png Dealer will drop double the number of items. This also applies to the FakeBeggar.png Fake Beggar, who will drop another item alongside Contraband.
  • Chaos.png Chaos: Items dropped by the ShadyBeggar.png Dealer will be from random item pools. Does not affect the FakeBeggar.png Fake Beggar.
  • Lost Cork.png Lost Cork: Doesn't affect the powder created from using Contraband as it is not counted as creep, nor does the powder have any effect on enemies.

Video Showcase

Lil Fiend.png Items Randy the Snail.png
Active Items
Passive Items
Joke/Hidden Items
Tainted Items