Community Achievement

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Community Achievement is a passive item added in The Reheated Update.



  • The amount of damage granted by Community Achievement follows a logarithmic calculation that scales with the latest listed world records in the #the-counting-channel and #psychological-torture channels, located in the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server.
    • Currently, as of the latest update to Fiend Folio, the record for the #the-counting-channel is 1076, while the #psychological-torture channel's record is 448.


  • Community Achievement is a reference to the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server and its various counting channels, which are part of a continuously ongoing community event in which users all post messages of sequential numbers that count up — and breaking the streak with a message that doesn't follow the count will force everyone to start over from the beginning.
Lil Fiend.png Items Randy the Snail.png
Active Items
Passive Items
Joke/Hidden Items
Tainted Items