Leftover Takeout

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Leftover Takeout is a passive item added in The Reheated Update.


  • +0.3 speed.
  • 1.1× fire rate.
  • 1.5× damage.
  • +1.5 range.
  • +1 luck.
  • Isaac has a high chance to shoot a fortune cookie tear that deals 5% more damage and displays a random fortune on screen when hitting an enemy.
    • The chance to fire a fortune cookie tear is affected by Isaac's luck and is equal to 1 / (5 − Luck). The maximum chance is 1/3 when luck is equal to 2.



  • Isaac's appearance when he has Leftover Takeout is a reference to text emoticons, specifically the "(^_^)" emoticon.
    • It may also likely be a reference to the "Awesome Face" emoticon and its various similar iterations of "kawaii" or "epic" emoticons used prolifically in forums of its era.
    • If FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend has Leftover Takeout, his face will gain an appearance similar to the "(>_<)" emoticon instead.
  • Prior to V2.5, Leftover Takeout was in the Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room item pool.
Lil Fiend.png Items Randy the Snail.png
Active Items
Passive Items
Joke/Hidden Items
Tainted Items