Grants a 25% chance to fire a tear with a Steven-like appearance that inflicts enemies hit with the multi-euclidean effect for 8 seconds.
Multi-euclidean enemies will cause tears that hit them to pass through and split into two parallel tears, similar to the effect of Multidimensional Baby.
Chance to fire a Multi-euclidean tear scales with luck, and reaches 100% chance at 15 luck.
Once a tear has been doubled, it cannot be doubled again by hitting another multi-euclidean affected enemy.
Unlike Multidimensional Baby, tears that pass through multi-euclidean enemies won't have extended range.
Bombs placed by Isaac that make contact with multi-euclidean affected enemies will be doubled.
Mom's Knife: Enemies hit by the knife can be inflicted with multi-euclidean - however, knives that hit or are thrown through multi-euclidean enemies will not be split.
Dr. Fetus: Enemies hit by the explosions from Dr. Fetus bombs can be inflicted with multi-euclidean. Dr. Fetus Bombs that pass through multi-euclidean enemies will be doubled.
Epic Fetus: Enemies hit by the explosions from missiles won't be inflicted with multi-euclidean.
NOTE: The explosion not applying the effect on enemies is a result of a bug; however, Time Itself currently would not have any real effect with Epic Fetus missiles anyway.
Brimstone / Technology / Technology 2 / Tech X: Lasers have a chance to inflict multi-euclidean on enemies, and lasers will be split when passing through multi-euclidean enemies.
Aquarius: Creep puddles can gain a black color and have a chance to inflict enemies damaged by the creep with multi-euclidean.
Multidimensional Baby: Tears that pass through multi-euclidean affected enemies can be split again by passing through Multidimensional Baby, and vice-versa.
Dark Arts: Dark Arts has a chance to inflict multi-euclidean to enemies hit by the item's attack.
Abyss: Absorbing Time Itself spawns a unique Steven-like Abyss Locust that has a chance to inflict enemies hit with multi-euclidean.
Second Hand: Extends the duration of the multi-euclidean effect to 16 seconds, and adds another 8 seconds for every additional Trinket Multiplier.