Perfectly Generic Object

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Perfectly Generic Object is an active item added in The Reheated Update.


  • Copies the effect of the object currently held.
    • Objects are any consumables that are not classified as cards, pills, or runes.
  • Drops 1 random object the first time it's picked up.

Recharge Time

  • Like Blank Card.png Blank Card, Placebo.png Placebo, and Clear Rune.png Clear Rune, the recharge time of Perfectly Generic Object will change depending on the object it's used to mimic. This is a list of the following recharge times the object can have:
1 room:


  • Book of Virtues.png Book of Virtues: Creates a green cube wisp. When destroyed, these wisps drop a random object.
  • Dice Bag Dice Bag / Pocket Dice.png Pocket Dice: Glass Dice dropped by these items provide guaranteed usage for Perfectly Generic Object.
  • Spindle Spindle: Provides Trial Discs, which at only 6 charges can be some of the strongest objects to copy.
  • Dice Goblin Dice Goblin: The variety of objects the item can drop may help the player find a more desirable consumable to mimic.


  • Perfectly Generic Object is a reference to an object of the same name in the webcomic Homestuck.
  • Perfectly Generic Object can be dropped by the CosplayBeggar.png Cosplay Beggar, a very rare type of Beggar that only appears in one rare Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room layout.
    • The Cosplay Beggar is also a reference to the Trolls from Homestuck.
Lil Fiend.png Items Randy the Snail.png
Active Items
Passive Items
Joke/Hidden Items
Tainted Items