Alpha Coin

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Alpha Coin is an active item added in The Reheated Update.


  • Upon use, does a number of predetermined effects based on a number of factors, including the type of room the item is used in and its contents:
Requirement Effect
25% chance, anywhere Spawns a random Penny.png Coin
25% chance, anywhere Spawns a random PillVanilla.png Pill, TarotBack.png Card, Rune Left.png Rune, or GreenHouse.png Object
In the starting room of a floor, and the room has not been left yet For the current floor: +0.2 speed and a slight tears up
Once per floor, and every room (excluding the Icon Super Secret Room.png Super Secret Room) has been explored Spawns a Soul Heart.png Soul Heart and Tarot World.png XXI - The World
While inside a Icon Super Secret Room.png Super Secret Room First use will spawn a GoldenCursedPenny.png Golden Cursed Penny
Any further uses will activate The Poop.png The Poop effect, and refund 2 charges
While inside a Shop Pool Icon.png Shop First use will spawn 2 random Shop items for sale
Any further uses will spawn 1-4 Penny.png Pennies
While inside a Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room First use in this room will spawn a random Glass Die
Any further uses will activate the D20.png D20 effect
While inside an Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room Spawns an Eternal Heart.png Eternal Heart
While inside a Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Spawns a Black Heart.png Black Heart
While inside an Icon IAmError.png I AM ERROR room Spawns a Pill with the Telepills! effect
While inside a Icon Bedroom.png Bedroom, dirty or not First use will spawn a Red Heart.png Red Heart, Soul Heart.png Soul Heart, Black Heart.png Black Heart, Eternal Heart.png Eternal Heart and Bone Heart.png Bone Heart
Any further uses in a Dirty Bedroom will spawn a Cursed Penny FF.png Cursed Penny
Any further uses in a Clean Bedroom will spawn a Penny.png Penny
While inside the Greed Mode exit room Spawns a Penny.png Penny on the first use in the room
Any further uses activates the Butter Bean.png Butter Bean effect
While inside a Crawl Space Spawns a Sentry.png Sentry and refunds two charges
While inside a Black Market First use in this room will grant Isaac an HUD heart red empty.png empty Red Heart Container
Any further uses will spawn a Cursed Penny FF.png Cursed Penny
While inside a Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room First use in this room will spawn a Double Bomb.png Double Bomb
Any further uses will spawn a Double Penny.png Double Penny
While inside a Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room First use in this room will spawn a random Machine or Beggar, and a Troll Bomb.png Troll Bomb
Any further uses will damage Isaac
While inside an Icon Arcade.png Arcade Spawns a random Machine or Beggar, and a Penny.png Penny
While inside a Icon Vault.png Vault First use will spawn two Key.png Keys
Second use will spawn a Mimic Chest.png Mimic Chest
Any further uses will activate the Butter Bean.png Butter Bean effect and refund 2 charges
While inside a Icon Challenge Room.png Challenge Room If the Challenge Room has not yet been completed, gives Isaac +0.5 damage up, if they haven't already received this bonus
If the damage bonus has already been received, activates the Butter Bean.png Butter Bean effect
Otherwise, if the challenge room is complete, spawns a random Brown Chest.png Chest
While inside a Library Pool Icon.png Library Spawns a random trinket
While inside a Icon Sacrifice Room.png Sacrifice Room Spawns either a Blood Sack.png Blood Sack or a Trash Bag.png Trash Bag
While inside a Icon Dice Room.png Dice Room First use in this room will spawn every type of Glass Dice
Any further uses activates the Butter Bean.png Butter Bean effect, and refund 2 charges
While inside a Planetarium Pool Icon.png Planetarium First use in this room will activate the Soul of Isaac.png Soul of Isaac effect
Any further uses spawn 2-4 random Book of Virtues.png Book of Virtues Wisps
While inside an Ultra Secret Pool Icon.png Ultra Secret Room First use in this room will spawn three Cracked Key.png Cracked Keys
Any further uses activates the Butter Bean.png Butter Bean effect, and refund 2 charges
While inside an Alt-Path entrance room Using this in the entrance to DownpourIcon.png Downpour will spawn a Key.png Key
Using this in the entrance to MinesIcon.png Mines will spawn a Double Bomb.png Double Bomb
Using this in the entrance to MausoleumIcon.png Mausoleum will spawn 2 Blended Heart.png Blended Hearts
If the entrance room is to none of the above (inaccessible without using the debug console), will spawn a Cracked Key.png Cracked Key, a Half Red Heart.png Half Red Heart, and a Troll Bomb.png Troll Bomb
Any uses after the first will activate the Butter Bean.png Butter Bean effect, and refund 2 charges
A White Fire Place.png White Fire Place is currently in the room Will spawn arrows to point at the White Fire Place.png White Fire Place
While inside the Mirror Room in DownpourIcon.png Downpour II or DrossIcon.png Dross II If Isaac does not have the Lost's Curse effect from a White Fire Place.png White Fire Place, applies Lost's Curse to them
Otherwise, if there's an unbroken mirror in the room, it breaks it
If neither conditions apply, activates the Butter Bean.png Butter Bean effect, and refunds 2 charges
While inside the entrance room to the Knife Piece in MinesIcon.png Mines II or AshpitIcon.png Ashpit II, and the yellow button in the room is pressed Spawns Knife Piece 2.png Knife Piece 2 on first use in the room
While inside an uncleared Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Room, Icon Mini-Boss Room.png Mini-Boss Room, or in Boss Rush Grants a temporary tears up
While inside an uncleared room, with active enemies Fires 3 tears that deal 2× damage at random enemies within range
While inside a normal room with no active enemies Spawns a Penny.png Coin and refunds 1 charge
While in HomeIcon.png Home First use will spawn a random "Dad" item
Second use will spawn a Cracked Key.png Cracked Key
Any further uses will spawn a random pickup
While in the Mega Satan.png Mega Satan arena First use will spawn the Tick.png Tick, and display the fortune text "I'M WITH YOU!"
Any further uses will display the fortune text "EVERY STEP / OF THE WAY"
While fighting against The Beast.png The Beast Recharges the player's Holy Mantle.png Holy Mantle effect on first use in the room
Any further uses will spawn a random pickup
A Golden Boom Fly.png Golden Boom Fly is in the room Transforms the Golden Boom Fly into Mern.png Mern with 1 HP
The Mother Orb is in the room ??? (Code says it plays a sound effect, does not seem to work)


  • Alpha Coin is a returning Item from The Devil's Harvest MOD for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+.
  • Alpha Coin was unused in the initial The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ release of Fiend Folio.
  • Alpha Coin's interaction when used in the Mega Satan.png Mega Satan arena is an obscure reference to a meme mod titled gordens dad maeg a sata (sic), which itself is based on a video edit made by @ictonent of Russell from the game Half Life: Alyx repeatedly saying the phrase "I'm with you".[1]


Lil Fiend.png Items Randy the Snail.png
Active Items
Passive Items
Joke/Hidden Items
Tainted Items