Secret Room (Greed Mode Item Pool)

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Item Pools
BothIndicator.png Normal / Hard Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room
Library Pool Icon.png Library Gold Chest Pool Icon.png Golden Chest Red Chest Pool Icon.png Red Chest Beggar Pool Icon.png Beggar Devil Beggar Pool Icon.png Devil Beggar Key Master Pool Icon.png Key Master Bomb Bum Pool Icon.png Bomb Bum
Planetarium Pool Icon.png Planetarium Ultra Secret Pool Icon.png Ultra Secret Room Crane Game Pool Icon.png Crane Game Rotten Beggar Pool Icon.png Rotten Beggar Battery Bum Pool Icon.png Battery Bum Old Chest Pool Icon.png Old Chest Wooden Chest Pool Icon.png Wooden Chest
Baby Shop Pool Icon.png Baby Shop Glass Chest Pool Icon.png Glass Chest Dire Chest Pool Icon.png Dire Chest Drug Dealer Pool Icon.png Drug Dealer Blacksmith Pool Icon.png Blacksmith Zodiac Beggar Pool Icon.png Zodiac Fortune Teller Pool Icon.png Robot Fortune Teller
Both Greed Modes Indicator.png Greed / Greedier Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room

Items in this pool can be found in the Icon Super Secret Room.png Super Secret Room in Greed Mode.

To see the Greed Mode Secret Room pool of items in the original game, see its page on The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth wiki.

Active Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Alpha Coin
Alpha Coin4 rooms
  • Does a variety of effects based on the current room and exploration.
Perfectly Generic Object
Perfectly Generic ObjectVariable
  • Copies the effects of Isaac's held pocket object (excluding cards, pills, and runes).
  • Drops one random object the first time it's picked up.
  • Variable recharge time based on which object is used.
Azurite Spindown
Azurite Spindown3 rooms
  • On use, rerolls all trinkets in the room by subtracting their internal ID number by 1.
Nil Pasta
Nil Pasta2 rooms
  • Captures up to 5 enemies with spaghetti ropes and holds them in place.
  • Pulling out the spaghetti also removes parts of the enemies' code, causing them to become glitched and constantly take damage over time.
  • Glitched enemies will occasionally lose their AI, sometimes replacing their behavior with that of Poople.png Poople.
Error's Crazy Slots
Error's Crazy SlotsOne time use
  • On use, a three-number slot appears above Isaac's head; using the item again locks in a number, and the slots will spin faster each time.
  • Once all three numbers are locked in, the player is granted the item of the ID shown by the three numbers.
  • If the item ID is invalid, Isaac will be teleported to the Icon IAmError.png I AM ERROR Room.
Wrong Warp
Wrong WarpOne time use
  • On use, teleports Isaac to a random floor.
  • Chosen floor can be anywhere in the game, with no regard to current run progression.

Passive Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Dice Bag
Dice Bag
  • Spawns a sack familiar that follows Isaac and drops a random Glass Dice after every 8 rooms cleared.
  • Glass Dice mimic their respective Dice collectible and break after use.
Dichromatic Butterfly
Dichromatic Butterfly
  • Isaac's hitbox size is reduced and indicated by a red marker over top of him.
  • +0.2 damage for the current room when narrowly avoiding a projectile. Caps at +3 damage.
  • Luck-affected chance to fire a tear with 1.25× damage and aggressive homing.
Community Achievement
Community Achievement
  • +2.71 flat damage.
  • Damage boost is based on the current records in the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server's counting channels.
The Deluxe
The Deluxe
  • Orbital dice familiar that rerolls Isaac's tears.
  • Wacky.
Time Itself
Time Itself
  • Has a chance to fire tears that cause enemies to become multi-euclidean.
  • Multi-euclidean enemies can be shot through, doubling the tears.
Token Bag
Token Bag
  • Sack Familiar that drops a Token Coin.png Token every 10 rooms.
  • Tokens mimic the most recent pickup Isaac has collected.
Too Many Options
Too Many Options
  • Special Room doors quickly cycle between 3 random types of Special Rooms until unlocked or entered.
  • Upon death, Isaac respawns in the current room with randomized stats and health.
  • Replaces some of Isaac's held items with TMTRAINER.png TMTRAINER glitched items upon reviving.
Isaac'D's Eulogy
Isaac'D's Eulogy
  • Killing an enemy has a luck-based chance to activate a random dice effect (D6.png The D6, D20.png D20, etc.).
Pet Rock
Pet Rock
  • Spawns a pet rock familiar that can be pushed around and block shots.
  • Fills pits when pushed into them.