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Cursed Penny FF.png Pickups Spicy Key.png
Hearts Coins Bombs Keys Batteries Pills Cards Runes Objects Chests Sacks
Glass Dice Trial Discs Miscellaneous Objects

Sacks are objects that may contain other pickups, in a similar vein to chests. They usually grant less rewards than chests, but do not require keys or bombs to open them.

Fiend Folio adds 3 new kinds of sacks to the game.

Disambig.svg This page is about Sacks added in Fiend Folio. More information about Sacks in general can be found in the vanilla page.

Blood Sack

Blood Sacks are sacks that are used to heal. They can occasionally appear in Icon Sacrifice Room.png Sacrifice Rooms or next to other places to donate health, such as Blood Donation Machine.png Blood Donation Machines. Random sacks have a 12.5% chance to become a Blood Sack.

When opened, spawns 1-3 random Heart pickups that can be any of the following:

Trash Bag

Trash Bags are sacks that spawn temporary familiars, sometimes along with a "trashy" pickup. Random sacks have a 12.5% chance to become a Trash Bag.

When opened, Trash Bags spawn the following:

52 Deck

52 Decks are rare sacks that drop cards. They are most often found in Icon Arcade.png Arcades. Random sacks have a 5% chance to become a 52 Deck.

When opened, 52 Decks spawn 2-5 random Playing Cards of the following:

Unlock Condition