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Cursed Penny FF.png Pickups Spicy Key.png
Hearts Coins Bombs Keys Batteries Pills Cards Runes Objects Chests Sacks
Glass Dice Trial Discs Miscellaneous Objects

Coins are pickups that serve as the main currency for Shop Pool Icon.png Shops, Machines and beggars. Notably, both KeeperCoopIcon.png Keeper and TKeeperCoopIcon.png Tainted Keeper use coins instead of hearts to refill their health.

Fiend Folio adds 6 brand new coins that provide additional effects when picked up.

Disambig.svg This page is about Coins added in Fiend Folio. More information about Coins in general can be found in the vanilla page.


Name Icon Description Probability
Cursed Penny
Cursed Penny FF.png
  • On pickup, has 8 possible effects:
    • 20% chance for +2 coins.
    • 1.5% chance for +1 coin and minor all stats up.
    • 5% chance for +1 coin and +1 luck.
    • 30% chance for +1 coin.
    • 1% chance to give 0 coins.
    • 30% chance for −1 coin.
    • 2.5% chance for −1 coin and having the penny explode, dealing half a heart of damage.
    • 10% chance for −2 coins and a fart that can poison enemies.
Golden Cursed Penny
  • Same possible effects as Cursed Penny when picked up.
  • On pickup, has a ~66% chance to spawn another Golden Cursed Penny at a random location in the room.
Haunted Penny
  • +1 coin.
  • On pickup, spawns 1 basic wisp.
    • Isaac can have up to 8 of these wisps.
Honey Penny
  • +1 coin.
  • On pickup, Isaac will begin leaving a trail of sticky honey that slows enemies, and he will shoot honey-colored tears that slows down on enemies hit. Effect lasts for 16-17 seconds.
Stud Penny
  • +1 coin.
  • On pickup, hurts Isaac without taking away health, giving him i-frames and activating any items that trigger upon taking damage; identical to the effect of Dull Razor.png Dull Razor.
  • While on ground, deals 5 damage per tick (30 damage per second) to enemies touching it.
  • Typically only appears through using a Stud.png Stud, which will turn it into a Stud Penny.
Token Coin.png
  • On pickup, mimics the pickup Isaac has last collected.
See Notes


  • Cursed Pennies have an independent 1% chance to become a Golden Cursed Penny; in effect, any random coin drop has a 0.0067% chance to become a Golden Cursed Penny.
  • Coins dropped from opening chests or Sack Pickup.png Grab Bags have a 1% chance to become a Token. Other coin drops can not become Tokens.
  • FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend and BastardCoopIcon.png Tainted Fiend both have a hidden increased chance for coin drops to become Cursed Pennies, being at an approximately 5% chance by default.
  • LostCoopIcon.png The Lost and TLostCoopIcon.png Tainted Lost both have double the chance for coin drops to become Haunted Pennies, being at an approximately 1% chance by default.
  • Picking up Cursed Pennies and not gaining any coins will not heal KeeperCoopIcon.png Keeper or TKeeperCoopIcon.png Tainted Keeper if they are missing health. However, they will also not have any health subtracted if coins are lost.
  • Various penny-related trinkets have unique interactions with Fiend Folio's Cursed Pennies. Chance-based effects will scale with the value and quality of the Cursed Penny:
  • Guppy's Eye.png Guppy's Eye shows which pickup a Token will mimic.
  • Tokens cannot be duplicated with Rune Left.png Jera.

Unlock Conditions


  • Golden Cursed Penny appears to be colored rose gold as opposed to actual gold.
  • Stud appears as a Part 4073, a common building piece also found in Lego sets which is nicknamed the "stud".
    • The Stud's existence as a coin variant is a reference to the usage of the Lego part in Lego Video Games as currency. Picking up the Stud even makes the same sound as Studs from said games ― specifically, the sounds made by purple Studs.
    • Its effect of damaging monsters and Isaac is a reference to the common cliché of Lego pieces being extremely painful to step on.
  • Lego Stud was added in V2.5.
  • Tokens were added in The Spitshine Update.
  • Token's appearance resembles Wild Card.png Wild Card, a card that mimics the effects of other consumables/items.