Item Tags summonable

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Items with this tag can be spawned as wisps by Lemegeton.png Lemegeton and copied by Modeling Clay.png Modeling Clay.

Passive Collectibles

Name Icon Flavor Text Description Quality
Baby Crater
Baby Crater
Spiral shot buddy
  • Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around the room.
  • Whilst Isaac is firing tears, Baby Crater creates a ring of tears around itself, similar to the enemy Craterface.png Craterface.
  • Tears are released outwards when Isaac stops firing.
Bag of Bobbies
Bag of Bobbies
Gives bobby
  • Has a chance to spawn a Fragile Bobby familiar on room clear.
  • Fragile Bobbies act similarly to Brother Bobby.png Brother Bobby, but can die from taking enough damage from enemies.
Bee Skin
Bee Skin
Buzz buzz
  • Every tear fired triggers 3 weaker tears spread around Isaac at equal angles.
  • Each time this effect triggers, the angle of all tears is incremented clockwise.
Beginner's Luck
Beginner's Luck
Dwindles with time
  • +5 luck.
  • −0.5 luck per how many floors down Isaac is.
  • At minimum will grant +1 luck.
Birthday Gift
Birthday Gift
Careful what you wish for
  • Replaces all newly encountered collectibles with Mystery Gift.png Mystery Gift.
  • Rerolls and special/fixed drops are not affected.
Black Lantern
Black Lantern
Silver-Lined Curses
  • +1 Black Heart.png Black Heart.
  • Guarantees a curse on every floor.
  • Replaces curses with special new types of potentially beneficial curses.
Black Moon
Black Moon
It all returns to nothing
  • Isaac's tears gain a dark red glow. Killing an enemy with these tears creates a glowing red cross that damages enemies in an area of effect.
  • Enemies killed by the cross don't spawn another cross.
Bridge Bombs
Bridge Bombs
Pit-filling blast +5 bombs
  • +5 Bomb.png Bombs.
  • Bombs fill pits when they explode.
Blowhole retaliation
  • Taking damage causes Isaac to spew out a large amount of tears that leave creep.
Chaldean Axe
Chaldean Axe
Cut them down!
  • Periodically fire a piercing axe towards the closest enemy.
  • The axe boomerangs back shortly after launch.
HP + DMG Up, Perfect Freeze 4 
Clutch's Curse
Clutch's Curse
What if it was purple?
  • Familiar that possesses Isaac occasionally.
  • When possessed, the next tear Isaac shoots will be a homing Ipecac.png Ipecac tear.
  • Rocks occasionally glow purple and create fire waves upon destruction.
Community Achievement
Community Achievement
Proficiency in counting
  • +2.71 flat damage.
  • Damage boost is based on the current records in the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server's counting channels.
Cool Sunglasses
Cool Sunglasses
Gold rush
  • +6 coins.
  • Upon entering an uncleared room, 3 Penny.png Pennies are taken from Isaac and strewn across the room.
  • Walking near coins on the ground grants a speed up based on the distance to the coin.
  • Collecting coins damages all enemies in the room.
Corn Kernel
Corn Kernel
Gotta mern 'em all!
  • Spawns a familiar that levels up when gaining multiple copies of this item:
    • Level 1: Wavy Orbital.
    • Level 2: Orbital that shoots weak explosions.
    • Level 3: Familiar that teleports and chases enemies.
    • Level 4: Familiar that teleports and lobs explosive corn.
Crazy Jackpot
Crazy Jackpot
Retributive gambling
  • On taking damage, Isaac rolls for a random positive effect.
  • Effects can spawn coins or hearts, damage enemies, grant a random stat up, create a yellow creep puddle, or cause all effects at once.
For your sins, they die
  • Enemies killed by tears will leave behind a short-lived ghost with an aura.
  • Standing in the aura grants a boost to tear rate and damage, and makes Isaac's tears homing.
Reroll tears
  • Orbital dice familiar that rerolls Isaac's tears.
  • Wacky.
Dad's Postiche
Dad's Postiche
It feels yicky 3 
Dad's Wallet
Dad's Wallet
Damage debt
  • Shop Pool Icon.png Shop items can be purchased when they are not affordable, with the amount owed accumulating as debt.
  • Debt gives a multiplicative damage down.
  • Debt can be reduced by picking up coins.
  • Drops a Credit Card.png Credit Card upon being picked up.
Lifelong partner
  • Spawns a familiar that fires hooks that latch onto and pull enemies/pickups.
  • Remains stationary while pulling in enemies/pickups.
  • Inflicts enemies with bruising while hooked.
  • On releasing enemies, inflicts them with hemorrhaging and fires blood tears in the direction they were released.
Devil's Abacus
Devil's Abacus
Learn to count!
  • Counting with Isaac's tears grants an increasing damage and tears up.
  • To count, Isaac must fire X amount of tears and stop, with X increasing by 1 each time.
Devil's Dagger
Devil's Dagger
With haste comes power
  • Isaac throws daggers alongside his tears.
  • Enemies when killed drop gems that can power up the daggers.
Devil's Umbrella
Devil's Umbrella
Hard to clean
  • +1 Half Soul Heart.png Half Soul Heart.
  • Shooting tears has a chance to create a flurry of weak tears that leave yellow creep.
Devilled Egg
Devilled Egg
Tears up + immorality 2 
Dice Bag
Dice Bag
Gives dice
  • Spawns a sack familiar that follows Isaac and drops a random Glass Dice after every 8 rooms cleared.
  • Glass Dice mimic their respective Dice collectible and break after use.
Dice Goblin
Dice Goblin
Object hoarder
  • Spawns 3 random objects on pickup.
  • Spawns 1 random object at the start of each floor.
Dichromatic Butterfly
Dichromatic Butterfly
Hitbox down, Graze and Homing Amulet
  • Isaac's hitbox size is reduced and indicated by a red marker over top of him.
  • +0.2 damage for the current room when narrowly avoiding a projectile. Caps at +3 damage.
  • Luck-affected chance to fire a tear with 1.25× damage and aggressive homing.
Emoji Glasses
Emoji Glasses
It's lit
  • Isaac fires emoji tears that each have a unique effect.
  • Cycles through 3 different emojis at a time.
Explosive actives
  • Using active items will release fireworks, based on the item's amount of charge.
  • Fireworks will home in towards enemies and explode.
Familiar Fly
Familiar Fly
Loved by many
  • Orbiting familiar that deals contact damage and blocks projectiles.
  • Swells up when close to enemies, until exploding into a ring of 10 tears that can charm enemies. Respawns some time afterwards.
  • Can charm Fly.png Fly-related enemies in close proximity.
Fetal Fiend
Fetal Fiend
Bountiful 3 
Fiend's Horn
Fiend's Horn
There's a bit of him in all of us
  • Enemies have a chance to spawn a HollowFriends.png Evil Hollow Minion on death.
  • Evil Hollow Minions disappear on room clear and will not drop a Black Heart.png Black Heart.
  • Chance starts at 20% and scales to 35% at 14 luck.
  • A bonus +2.5% chance is applied for every HUD heart immoral full.png Immoral Heart Isaac has in his Health bar.
Fraudulent Fungus
Fraudulent Fungus
Some stats up 2 
Hunger down 2 
GMO Corn
GMO Corn
The devil's harvest 2 
Golem's Orb
Golem's Orb
Lost and Found... 3 
They're shy
  • Spawns a stationary familiar that gazes at enemies in the room, petrifying them as long as they are in its sight.
Throws Hands
  • Spawns a familiar based on Grabber from the hit video game Grabber.
  • Mirrors Isaac's movements and grabs things in front of them.
Green Orange
Green Orange
May you attain enlightenment 4 
Griddle Corns
Griddle Corns
DMG Up + it's all burnt 2 
Heart of China
Heart of China
It's fragile 3 
Reap what you sow
  • Isaac shoots pill tears that, upon killing an enemy, has a 25% chance for Isaac to take a random pill.
Host on Toast
Host on Toast
Damage + Range up 1 
Hypno Ring
Hypno Ring
Drowsing tears
  • Luck-affected chance to fire tears that makes enemies drowsy.
  • Drowsy enemies slowly fall asleep, moving and attacking increasingly slower over time.
  • Sleeping enemies remain still until they awake. They take double damage while asleep, but will instantly wake up upon taking any damage.
Imp Soda
Imp Soda
Critical spit
  • Grants a chance that scales with luck to shoot critical tears that deal quintuple Isaac's damage.
Infinity Volt
Infinity Volt
Double tap cord
  • Double tap to link to an enemy with an extension cord.
  • Linked enemies are charmed and continually generate arcs of electricity.
  • After being linked for long enough, the enemy will explode.
Lawn Darts
Lawn Darts
Hemorrhaging tears
  • Luck-affected chance to fire tears that inflict enemies with hemorrhaging.
  • Hemorrhaging enemies periodically take damage, spew blood tears randomly around themselves, and leave blood creep on the ground that damages other enemies.
Leftover Takeout
Leftover Takeout
All stats up, fortune up
  • +0.3 speed.
  • 1.1× fire rate.
  • 1.5× damage.
  • +1.5 range.
  • +1 luck.
  • Luck-affected chance to fire a fortune cookie tear that deals 5% more damage and displays a fortune upon hitting an enemy.
Lil Fiend
Lil Fiend
Your own little bastard
  • Spawns a familiar that flies diagonally across the room and has a chance to spawn an HollowFriends.png Evil Hollow Minion when colliding with an enemy or enemy projectile.
  • Evil Hollow Minions disappear on room clear and will not drop a Black Heart.png Black Heart.
Lil Lamb
Lil Lamb
Pretends to like you
  • Spawns a familiar that charges to shoot an Ipecac.png Ipecac projectile.
  • When Isaac takes damage, has a chance to drop to the floor and target enemies automatically.
Lil Minx
Lil Minx
Double-tap possesser
  • Spawns a pink Menace.png Menace familiar that charges at enemies.
  • Double-tapping the shoot button will have Lil Minx possess the nearest enemy and inflict them with berserk.
  • Double-tapping the shoot button again will have Lil Minx exit the enemy and launch a spectral tear barrage.
  • Berserked enemies periodically switch targets between Isaac and other enemies, deal and take bonus damage, move faster, and cannot die during the duration.
Mime Degree
Mime Degree
  • Summons 3-5 translucent mime blocks in the room that block enemies and their projectiles.
  • When Isaac touches a mime block, it will relocate to another place in the room.
Model Rocket
Model Rocket
Accelerating tears
  • +1.5 range.
  • shot speed multiplier.
  • Tears accelerate from zero shot speed to normal shot speed on firing.
  • Tears deal bonus damage based on their speed upon impact.
Modern Ouroboros
Modern Ouroboros
Voice like the devil
  • Tears leave oil creep upon impact.
  • Walking over oil creep will ignite it.
Mom's Stockings
Mom's Stockings
Range up 1 
Monas Hieroglyphica
Monas Hieroglyphica
Unite the cosmos 3 
Mrs. Spooter
Mrs. Spooter
Turret pursuer
  • Spawns a blue Spooter.png Spooter familiar that pursues enemies and periodically fires tears.
Locust Bombs + Bug chaser
  • +3 Bomb.png Bombs.
  • Bombs spawn Locusts when they explode.
  • Enemies have a luck-based chance to spawn a random Harbinger Locust on death.
Nugget Bombs
Nugget Bombs
Friends inside +5 bombs
  • +5 Bomb.png Bombs.
  • Bombs spawn a Brown Nugget.png Brown Nugget turret fly familiar when they explode.
  • Turret flies gain unique effects when combined with other bomb upgrade Items.
  • Grants 3 gems that can be cast while attacking, homing onto enemies to inflict damage and bruise them.
  • Bruised enemies take bonus damage from all sources based on the number of stacks applied.
Serpent Bearer
  • Wiggly snake familiar that chases after enemies, poisoning them and dealing damage on contact.
  • Prioritizes chasing after enemies that are not currently afflicted with Poison.
Page of Virtues
Page of Virtues
Your faith holds true
  • On pickup, spawns a random wisp.
  • Whenever this wisp is destroyed, spawns a new random wisp.
Peach Creep
Peach Creep
Creepy friend
  • Spawns a friendly Wall Creep.png Wall Creep familiar that tries to line up with enemies and shoots barrages of tears.
It burns! Wait, no it doesn't...
  • Chance to fire a flame that damages and slows enemies, and freezes them into ice statues on death.
Pet Peeve
Pet Peeve
Double-tap antipathy
  • Grudge.png Grudge familiar that moves around randomly and deals contact damage.
  • Double-tapping a fire button will have the familiar charge in that direction.
Pet Rock
Pet Rock
Movable cover
  • Spawns a pet rock familiar that can be pushed around and block shots.
  • Fills pits when pushed into them.
Sewing Shot
  • Luck-based chance to shoot sewing needles that pierce and inflict enemies with sewn.
  • Sewn enemies link damage taken onto all other enemies with sewn.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
Tastes like corn
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.
Double Tap Fireballs
  • Isaac periodically creates orbital fireballs, up to three.
  • Double-tapping the shoot button launches a fireball, leaving a trail of flames and exploding on contact.
Randy The Snail
Randy The Snail
Ricochet buddy
  • Snail familiar that retracts into its shell when hit by a projectile or walked into by Isaac, and will bounce around the room.
  • Deals damage to enemies when bouncing into them.
Robo-Baby 3.0
Robo-Baby 3.0
It is now state-of-the-art
  • Familiar that moves diagonally towards the direction Isaac moves.
  • On contact with enemies or enemy projectiles, will fire 8 Technology.png Technology lasers around it.
Rubber Bullets
Rubber Bullets
Bruising Tears
  • Luck-based chance to fire bullet tears that bruise enemies.
  • Bruised enemies take bonus damage from all sources of damage based on the number of stacks applied.
Sack of Keys?
Sack of Keys?
The sack feels hot...
  • Spawns a sack familiar that follows Isaac and drops a Spicy Key.png Spicy Key after every 7 rooms cleared.
Sibling Syl
Sibling Syl
Friends 'till the end
  • Familiar that follows Isaac around, shooting tears that deal 4.75 Damage.
Slippy's Guts
Slippy's Guts
  • Enemies have a chance to spawn a lingering poison fart cloud on death. The chance scales with Isaac's luck, and is proportional to the enemy's maximum health.
  • Isaac's Bomb.png Bombs spawn a lingering poison fart cloud after exploding.
Slippy's Heart
Slippy's Heart
  • Chance to fart while near enemies. Farts vary in type and strength.
  • Fart chance scales with luck.
Swap the bomb! +5 bombs
  • +5 Bomb.png Bombs.
  • A target follows behind Isaac with a delay.
  • When placing a bomb, the player teleports back to the marker, and the bomb instantly explodes.
The Small Wood
The Small Wood
Tears up 3 
Time Itself
Time Itself
Multi-euclidean tears
  • Has a chance to fire tears that cause enemies to become multi-euclidean.
  • Multi-euclidean enemies can be shot through, doubling the tears.
Token Bag
Token Bag
Gives tokens
  • Sack Familiar that drops a Token Coin.png Token every 10 rooms.
  • Tokens mimic the most recent pickup Isaac has collected.
Too Many Options
Too Many Options
There's just too many!
  • Special Room doors quickly cycle between 3 random types of Special Rooms until unlocked or entered.
Toy Piano
Toy Piano
Diabolus in musica
  • 22% chance, scaling with luck, to fire tears that doom enemies.
  • Doomed enemies gain a counter that goes down every time they take damage. Upon reaching zero, the enemy takes 5× Isaac's damage and the effect is removed.
Twinkle of Contagion
Twinkle of Contagion
Take the Shot
  • Enemies have a chance to glow upon entering a room.
  • Looking at a glowing enemy passes the effect onto Isaac, giving him a stat boost while under the effect.
  • After a period of time, the glowing effect will jump from Isaac to a random enemy.
Wimpy Bro
Wimpy Bro
Haha whee!
  • Slammer.png Slammer familiar that jumps on enemies, dealing 5 damage.