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Electrum is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.


  • Upon using any active item, shocks enemies within range of Golem with electricity, which can have varying effects based on the active item.
    • The number of enemies shocked can vary with the item, and the damage dealt is equal to Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + Item's Charge2, unless stated otherwise.


  • The Bible.png The Bible / Crack the Sky.png Crack the Sky: Shocked enemies will also be struck by beams of light. The damage the beams of light deal is based on Golem's damage.
  • The Book of Belial.png The Book of Belial / The Nail.png The Nail: Increases laser damage further based on how many enemies are hit.
  • The Necronomicon.png The Necronomicon: Enemies killed by the electric shocks create a floating bone on death, which block enemy shots and damage/repel enemies that touch them.
  • The Poop.png The Poop: Shooting at the spawned Poop will shock nearby enemies, dealing damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • Mr. Boom.png Mr. Boom: Shocks up to 3 nearby enemies upon exploding, dealing damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • Tammy's Head.png Tammy's Head: Shoots 10 lasers alongside the ring of tears. These lasers can all fire at slightly different angles and their damage is equal to Golem's damage stat plus a flat 25.
  • Mom's Bra.png Mom's Bra: Enemies hit by the electric shocks will be petrified for longer.
  • Kamikaze!.png Kamikaze!: Creates a large yellow laser ring around Golem when used. The damage of the laser ring is equal to Golem's damage stat.
  • Mom's Pad.png Mom's Pad: Enemies hit by the electric shocks will be afflicted with fear for longer.
  • Bob's Rotten Head.png Bob's Rotten Head: Shocks enemies when the head is thrown as well as when it lands. The electric shock from the explosion will also poison enemies for 2.33 seconds.
  • Teleport!.png Teleport! / Teleport 2.0.png Teleport 2.0: Shocks nearby enemies after teleporting, affected enemies will teleport to a random spot in the room.
  • Yum Heart.png Yum Heart: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/4 chance to drop a Half Red Heart.png Half Red Heart.
  • Doctor's Remote.png Doctor's Remote: Shocks enemies when the item is used as well as when the missile lands.
  • Shoop Da Whoop!.png Shoop Da Whoop!: Turns the beam yellow, and makes it deal extra damage.
  • Lemon Mishap.png Lemon Mishap: Shocked enemies create a tiny puddle of yellow creep underneath them.
  • Book of Shadows.png Book of Shadows / Unicorn Stump.png Unicorn Stump: Golem will shock enemies every half-second on direct contact while invulnerable. The contact damage is equal to Golem's damage doubled.
  • Anarchist Cookbook.png Anarchist Cookbook: Spawned Troll Bomb.png Troll Bombs will shock nearby enemies upon exploding.
  • The Hourglass.png The Hourglass: Enemies hit by the electric shocks will be slowed for longer, for a total of 10 seconds.
  • My Little Unicorn.png My Little Unicorn / The Gamekid.png The Gamekid: Enemies killed by Golem while invulnerable will shock nearby enemies. The damage of the electric shocks created by killing enemies is equal to Golem's damage.
  • Book of Revelations.png Book of Revelations: Enemies killed by the electric shocks will spawn a random Locust.
  • Deck of Cards.png Deck of Cards / Blank Card.png Blank Card: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/10 chance to drop a random TarotBack.png Card.
  • Monstro's Tooth.png Monstro's Tooth: The summoned Monstro.png Monstro will shock nearby enemies upon landing. The electric shocks created by the summoned Monstro deal damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • The Book of Sin.png The Book of Sin: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a chance to drop a random pickup.
  • Mom's Bottle of Pills.png Mom's Bottle of Pills: Activates a random PillVanilla.png Pill effect for each enemy killed by the electric shocks.
  • D6.png The D6 / Eternal D6.png Eternal D6: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/6 chance to drop a Glass D6.png Glass D6.
  • The Pinking Shears.png The Pinking Shears: Golem's body will periodically shock nearby enemies.
  • The Bean.png The Bean: Enemies that are shocked will become poisoned.
  • Monster Manual.png Monster Manual: Enemies killed by the electric shocks spawn a Fragile Bobby.
  • Razor Blade.png Razor Blade: The more HUD heart red full.png Red Heart containers Golem has, the more damage the electric shocks will deal, represented by the formula Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 1.5 × Red Heart Containers.
  • A Pony.png A Pony: Enemies will be shocked upon use as well as when Golem hits a wall after charging.
  • Guppy's Paw.png Guppy's Paw: Enemies killed by the electric shocks will drop a Half Soul Heart.png Half Soul Heart. The damage of the electric shocks is equal to Golem's damage + 9.
  • IV Bag.png IV Bag: The arcs of electricity will turn red and deal damage equal to Golem's damage + 3. Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/3 chance to drop a Penny.png Penny.
  • Best Friend.png Best Friend: The decoy periodically shocks enemies while on the ground. The electric shocks created by the decoy deal damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • Remote Detonator.png Remote Detonator: Each Bomb placed by Golem will shock nearby enemies when detonated. The damage of the electric shocks created by detonated bombs is equal to Golem's damage + 4.
  • Guppy's Head.png Guppy's Head: Enemies hit by the electric shocks cause all of Golem's Blue Fly.png Blue Flies to prioritize that enemy.
  • Prayer Card.png Prayer Card: Each enemy killed by the electric shocks have a 1/4 chance to automatically complete an Eternal Heart.png Eternal Heart in the Health bar, granting a HUD heart red full.png Red Heart container.
  • Crystal Ball.png Crystal Ball: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/10 chance to drop a Soul Heart.png Soul Heart or a random TarotBack.png Card / Rune Left.png Rune.
  • D20.png D20: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/5 chance to drop a Glass D20.png Glass D20.
  • Spider Butt.png Spider Butt / Box of Spiders.png Box of Spiders: Enemies that are shocked will spawn a Blue Spider.png Blue Spider.
  • Dad's Key.png Dad's Key: The electric shock deals more damage based on the number of Golem's Key.png Keys, represented by the formula Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 25 × (Keys ÷ 99).
  • Portable Slot.png Portable Slot: Each use of Portable Slot will create electric shocks deal a random amount of additional damage and have a random amount of range.
  • White Pony.png White Pony: Enemies will be shocked upon use as well as when Golem hits a wall after charging. Shocked enemies will also be struck by beams of light.
  • Blood Rights.png Blood Rights: Shocks up to 2 enemies dealing damage equal to Golem's damage + 3, and enemies killed by the electric shocks will explode into a shower of 6 blood tears.
  • Telepathy for Dummies.png Telepathy for Dummies: The arcs of electricity turn a purple color. This functionally does not have any additional effect and the electric shocks have their default behavior.
  • Clear Rune.png Clear Rune: Activates a random Rune Shard.png Rune Shard effect for each enemy killed by then electric shocks. The damage of the electric shocks will scale with the current charge of Clear Rune based on its mimicked consumable.
  • How to Jump.png How to Jump: Shocks the closest enemy after landing from a jump, dealing damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • D100.png D100: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/6 chance to drop a Glass D100.png Glass D100.
  • D4.png D4: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/6 chance to drop a Glass D4.png Glass D4.
  • D10.png D10 / Eternal D10 Eternal D10: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/3 chance to drop a Glass D10.png Glass D10.
  • The Jar.png The Jar: Uses all stored Red Heart.png Hearts to shock enemies, and each enemy killed by an electric shock will heal Golem for a Half Red Heart.png Half Red Heart of Health.
  • Satanic Bible.png Satanic Bible: The electric shocks deal additional damage based on the Devil Deal chance of the floor, represented by the formula Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier × (Devil Deal Chance + 1) + 62.
  • Head of Krampus.png Head of Krampus: The arcs of electricity that shock enemies will persist for the same duration as the Brimstone.png Brimstone beams created by Head of Krampus, remaining in a fixed position.
  • Butter Bean.png Butter Bean: Arcs of electricity will destroy up to two nearby enemy projectiles. These additional shocks deal damage equal to half of Golem's damage, if they happen to hit an enemy.
  • Magic Fingers.png Magic Fingers: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/5 chance to drop a Penny.png Penny.
  • Converter.png Converter: Enemies killed by the electric shocks will drop a Red Heart.png Red Heart.
  • Isaac's Tears.png Isaac's Tears: Shoots 8 lasers alongside the ring of tears, which deal damage equal to Golem's damage + 5.
  • Scissors.png Scissors: The stationary head will periodically shock enemies, dealing damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • The Boomerang.png The Boomerang: The Boomerang shocks enemies when thrown as well as when returning to Golem.
  • Placebo.png Placebo: Activates a random PillVanilla.png Pill effect for each enemy killed by the electric shocks. The damage of the electric shocks will scale with the current charge of Placebo based on its mimicked consumable.
  • Wooden Nickel.png Wooden Nickel: Only has a 50% chance to shock enemies. The shock damage is equal to Golem × Trinket Multiplier × 2 + 10, and enemies killed by the electric shocks drop a Penny.png Penny.
  • Mega Bean.png Mega Bean: Enemies hit by the electric shocks will create a poisonous fart.
  • Glass Cannon.png Glass Cannon: Launching the tear creates electric shocks that deal damage equal to Golem's Damage × 3 + 10.
  • Box of Friends.png Box of Friends: Box of Friends will shock one enemy, and each familiar (including duplicate familiars) will shock an additional enemy.
  • Friendly Ball.png Friendly Ball: When the captured enemy is released, it will rapidly create arcs of electricity in random directions for a short while. The electric shocks created by friendly enemies deal damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • Tear Detonator.png Tear Detonator: Rather than arcs of electricity coming from Golem, each of Golem's onscreen tears will shock nearby enemies instead.
  • D12.png D12 / Eternal D12.png Eternal D12: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/3 chance to drop a Glass D12.png Glass D12.
  • Ventricle Razor.png Ventricle Razor: Golem will shock nearby enemies when coming out of a portal. The electric shocks deal damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • D8.png D8: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/4 chance to drop a Glass D8.png Glass D8.
  • Kidney Bean.png Kidney Bean: Enemies that are shocked will be charmed for 4 seconds.
  • Glowing Hourglass.png Glowing Hourglass: Enemies that are shocked will be slowed for 10 seconds. This effect can only practically be seen when Glowing Hourglass turns into The Hourglass.png The Hourglass after all 3 of its charges on the floor have been used.
  • Mine Crafter.png Mine Crafter: In addition to shocking enemies when the item is used, the Movable TNT.png Movable TNT shocks nearby enemies when it explodes.
  • Jar of Flies.png Jar of Flies: Uses all stored Blue Fly.png Blue Flies to shock enemies. Each enemy that is shocked takes double Golem's damage (quadruple if Golem has Hive Mind.png Hive Mind) and spawns a Blue Fly.
  • Mom's Box.png Mom's Box: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/8 chance to drop a random Trinket.
  • Void.png Void: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/5 chance to spawn a friendly Portal.png Portal. Any absorbed active items in Void will not have their respective Electrum effects activate.
  • Pause.png Pause: Enemies that are shocked will be petrified.
  • Smelter.png Smelter: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/13 chance to drop a random Trinket.
  • Compost.png Compost: Enemies that are shocked will spawn a Blue Fly.png Blue Fly or Blue Spider.png Blue Spider.
  • Wait What?.png Wait What?: Enemies that are shocked will create a Butter Bean.png Butter Bean fart.
  • Crooked Penny.png Crooked Penny: The electric shocks have 50-50 odds of either healing the enemy to full HP or dealing damage equal to their max HP.
  • Potato Peeler.png Potato Peeler: The electric shocks deal additional damage based on number of copies of Cube of Meat.png Cube of Meat Golem has, represented by the formula (Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 15) × Cubes of Meat.
  • D Infinity.png D Infinity: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/4 chance to spawn a random Glass Dice.
  • Brown Nugget.png Brown Nugget: Fly Turrets shoot yellow lasers instead of tears. The lasers deal damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • Sharp Straw.png Sharp Straw: Shocked enemies have a 1/6 chance of healing Golem for a Half Red Heart.png Half Red Heart.
  • Black Hole.png Black Hole: The Black Hole on the ground will constantly shoot lasers in random directions.
  • Mystery Gift.png Mystery Gift: Spawns an electricity-themed item, which includes: The Battery.png The Battery, Technology.png Technology, Robo-Baby.png Robo-Baby, 9 Volt.png 9 Volt, Technology 2.png Technology 2, Sharp Plug.png Sharp Plug, Tech.5.png Tech.5, Robo-Baby 2.0.png Robo-Baby 2.0, Car Battery.png Car Battery, Charged Baby.png Charged Baby, Tech X.png Tech X, Jacob's Ladder.png Jacob's Ladder, Jumper Cables.png Jumper Cables, Technology Zero.png Technology Zero, 120 Volt.png 120 Volt, Bot Fly.png Bot Fly, 4.5 Volt.png 4.5 Volt, Robo-Baby 3.0.png Robo-Baby 3.0, Infinityvolt.png Infinity Volt and Dad's Battery.png Dad's Battery.
  • Sprinkler.png Sprinkler: The Sprinkler will shock nearby enemies.
  • Sacrificial Altar.png Sacrificial Altar: Creates red arcs of electricity which deal Golem's damage + 40.
  • Book of the Dead.png Book of the Dead: Enemies killed by the electric shocks spawn friendly Bony.png Bonies.
  • Broken Shovel.png Broken Shovel: Shocked enemies will be stomped on by Mom's Foot.
  • Golden Razor.png Golden Razor: The more Penny.png Coins Golem has the more damage the electric shocks will deal, represented by the formula Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 25 × (Coins ÷ 99).
  • Sulfur.png Sulfur: Fires yellow Brimstone.png Brimstone beams at enemies close by instead of arcs of electricity.
  • Fortune Cookie.png Fortune Cookie: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a chance to spawn a Soul Heart.png Soul Heart or random TarotBack.png Card / Rune Left.png Rune. Shocking enemies also has a chance to display an additional fortune.
  • Damocles.png Damocles: The arcs of electricity deal damage equal to the shocked enemies' maximum HP, usually killing them unless they have armor. Does not affect bosses.
  • Free Lemonade.png Free Lemonade: Shocked enemies create a puddle of yellow creep underneath them.
  • Red Key.png Red Key: Red Door outlines will shock enemies, instead of the electricity coming from Golem. Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a chance to drop a Cracked Key.png Cracked Key.
  • Wavy Cap.png Wavy Cap: The damage of the electric shocks scale with the intensity of Wavy Cap's effect, represented by the formula Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 3 × Wavy Cap Stacks.
  • Book of Virtues.png Book of Virtues / Jar of Wisps.png Jar of Wisps: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/4 chance to spawn an additional wisp.
  • The Scooper.png The Scooper: The eyeball familiar periodically produces a yellow laser connecting between itself and Golem.
  • Sharp Key.png Sharp Key: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a chance to spawn a Key.png Key.
  • Stitches.png Stitches: Stitches and Golem will shock nearby enemies when used.
  • Eraser.png Eraser: Shocks enemies after throwing the eraser. Enemies that are shocked will become erased.
  • Yuck Heart.png Yuck Heart: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a chance to drop a Rotten Heart.png Rotten Heart.
  • Magic Skin.png Magic Skin: Up to 6 enemies will be shocked by electricity and take damage that scales with the number of HUD heart broken.png Broken Hearts in the Health bar, equal to Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 62 + Broken Hearts × 10.
  • Plum Flute.png Plum Flute / Golden Plum Flute.png Golden Plum Flute: Baby Plum's attacks are replaced with yellow lasers. The lasers deal damage equal to Golem's damage.
  • Vade Retro.png Vade Retro: Ghosts will shock nearby enemies when exploding. The electric shocks deal damage equal to Golem's damage + 6.
  • Spin to Win.png Spin to Win: The orbital will shock nearby enemies while the item is used.
  • Friend Finder.png Friend Finder: The spawned friendly enemy will rapidly create arcs of electricity in random directions 6 times a second, for up to 4 seconds.
  • Abyss.png Abyss: When used, each Abyss Locust will shock nearby enemies when returning to Golem, which lasts for the current room. The damage of the electric shocks created by Abyss Locusts is equal to Golem's damage.
  • Suplex!.png Suplex!: Shocks nearby enemies when Golem lands. The electric shocks deal damage equal to Golem's damage + 10.
  • Lemegeton.png Lemegeton: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/6 chance to spawn an additional Lemegeton wisp.
  • Hold.png Hold: Shocks nearby enemies when a poop spell is stored or used. The electric shocks deal damage equal to the damage stat.
  • Everything Jar.png Everything Jar: The damage of the electric shocks will scale with the amount of charge in Everything Jar.
  • Anima Sola.png Anima Sola: Shocked enemies will also become chained up. The additional enemies that have been chained can not be released early when using Anima Sola again.
  • Gello.png Gello: The Gello familiar will periodically shock nearby enemies.
  • Decap Attack.png Decap Attack: Shocks enemies when the head is thrown as well as when it returns.
  • D2 D2: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/3 chance to drop a GlassD2.png Glass D2.
  • Grappling Hook Grappling Hook: The Grappling Hook will send out arcs of electricity from where it lands. The damage of the electric shocks is equal to Golem's damage.
  • Golden Frog Head Golden Frog Head: Damage of the electric shocks scale with how long the fart has been held down.
  • Sanguine Hook Sanguine Hook: The hook creates arcs of electricity when it is removed from an enemy. The damage of the electric shocks is equal to Golem's damage.
  • Fiddle Cube Fiddle Cube: The damage the arcs of electricity deal increases when the cube is rhythmically used, represented by the formula Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier × Fiddle Cube Stacks ÷ 3.5).
  • A.V.G.M. A.V.G.M.: Shocks enemies whenever the item spawns a reward. The damage of the electric shocks deals triple Golem's damage.
  • Malice Malice: Shocks enemies when turning into a fireball, and when the effect ends. The damage of the electric shocks is equal to Golem's damage + 1.
  • Bedtime Story Bedtime Story: Enemies that are shocked will fall asleep instantly, and the sleep lasts twice as long.
  • Contraband Contraband: Consuming Contraband shocks up to 5 enemies, and the damage of the electric shocks is equal to Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier × 5 + 30.
  • Purple Putty Purple Putty: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/7 chance to drop an ImmoralHeart.png Immoral Heart.
  • Fiend Mix Fiend Mix: Enemies killed by the electric shocks will spawn a random Evil Minion.
  • White Pepper White Pepper: Enemies killed by the electric shocks leave behind a a blue flame.
  • Perfectly Generic Object Perfectly Generic Object: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a chance to spawn a random Object. The damage of the electric shocks will scale with the current charge of Perfectly Generic Object based on its mimicked consumable.
  • Toy Camera Toy Camera: Photographed enemies will shock other nearby enemies.
  • Snow Globe Snow Globe: Enemies will be shocked by nearby obstacles. The damage of the electric shocks is equal to Golem's damage + 1.
  • Cherry Bomb Cherry Bomb: The cherry bomb shocks nearby enemies when exploding.
  • Astropulvis Astropulvis: The ghosts will shock nearby enemies when exploding. The damage of the electric shocks is represented by the formula Golem's Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 6 × Stage ÷ 2.
  • Azurite Spindown Azurite Spindown: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a chance to drop a GlassAzuriteSpindown.png Glass Azurite Spindown.
  • King Worm King Worm: Arcs of electricity will inherit any worm effects given by the item.
  • Dazzling Slot Dazzling Slot: An additional enemy in the room will be shocked, turning them into a second GoldenSlotMachine.png Golden Slot Machine that rolls for its own effect.
  • Kalu's Severed Head Kalu's Severed Head: When the effect of Kalu's Severed Head ends, 3 nearby enemies will be shocked, taking 100% of Golem's damage.
  • Horse Paste Horse Paste: Up to 6 enemies will be shocked by electricity and take damage that scales with the number of HUD heart broken.png Broken Hearts in the health bar, equal to Damage × Trinket Multiplier + 62 + Broken Hearts × 10.
  • Lemon Mishuh??? Lemon Mishuh???: Enemies that are shocked create a small yellow creep puddle underneath themselves that deals 1/3 of Golem's damage per tick.
  • Yick Heart Yick Heart: Enemies killed by the electric shocks have a 1/13 chance to drop a MorbidHeart.png Morbid Heart.



  • Electrum is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver.
Fortune Worm.png Trinkets Insatiable Apatite.png
Normal Trinkets
Rock Trinkets
Geode & Fossil