Shard of China

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Shard of China is a trinket added in The Reheated Update.


  • Shard of China grants a special 3-heart health bar that can be filled by "overhealing", determined by gaining health that would have healed extra hearts if Isaac had more empty HUD heart red full.png Red Heart containers. Filling the bar grants a damage up relative to the amount filled, up to +1.5 damage with all 3 hearts filled.
    • This health bar can be viewed by standing near a heart pickup that will overheal Isaac, or by expanding the map on the HUD.
  • Completely filling Shard of China's health bar will remove the health bar and smelt Shard of China onto Isaac, making its damage boost permanent.


  • Heart of China Heart of China: The size of the special health bar is overridden by the size set by Heart of China.
    • If Shard of China is already smelted, and Heart of China's health bar is filled, a permanent +0.15 damage up is granted.
  • Shard of Golem.png Shard of Golem: The size of the special health bar is overridden by the size set by Shard of Golem.
    • When the health bar is filled, both held trinkets are smelted, as would be expected from filling Shard of Golem.
  • Yum Heart.png Yum Heart: Using Yum Heart is considered a valid method of overhealing.
  • Maggy's Bow.png Maggy's Bow: The increased value of Red Heart healing granted by Maggy's Bow is taken into consideration when calculating overheal.
  • Mom's Box.png Trinket Multipliers: Multiplies the amount of damage granted by Shard of China.
  • Smelter.png Smelter / Gulp! Pill: Smelting or gulping Shard of China will make it instantly grant the full damage boost, without needing to fill its health bar.
  • Candy Heart.png Candy Heart: Overhealing does not boost any stats.
  • Immaculate Conception.png Immaculate Conception: Overhealing will not contribute towards this item's activation.
  • Azurite Spindown Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Shard of China may reroll it into Sigil of Baphomet.png Sigil of Baphomet. Note that other mods that add trinkets that may have IDs lower than Shard of China's.


  • Shard of China was functional in the The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ edition of Fiend Folio, but was prevented from appearing in runs.
  • Shard of China was originally intended to be unlocked by defeating BlueBaby Boss.png ??? as FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend.
  • Shard of China's health bar has unique skins for LostCoopIcon.png The Lost and ForgorCoopIcon.png The Forgotten.
Fortune Worm.png Trinkets Insatiable Apatite.png
Normal Trinkets
Rock Trinkets
Geode & Fossil