Wetstone Grimlin
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This article is about the Grimace-themed rock trinket named Wetstone Grimlin. For the
Stone Grimace variant the rock trinket is based off of, see
Wetstone. For the other rock trinket with a similar name that also spawns bubbles, see
Wetstone Grimlin is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.

- While held, sits on top of Golem's head and constantly blows tiny friendly
Bubbles while in uncleared rooms that drift in random directions, deal 2.62 damage to enemies and also block their shots, popping when making contact with either.
- The rate at which Wetstone Grimlin creates bubbles is approximately 1 every 5/6ths of a second (or 6 bubbles every 5 seconds).
- While dropped on the ground, Wetstone Grimlin will continue to blow bubbles.
- Holding multiple types of Grimlins will stack them on top of each other. Each Grimlin gets stronger the more the player has, acting as a +1 to their
Trinket Multiplier.
Trinket Multipliers /
Henge Rock: Affects the rate at which Wetstone Grimlin creates bubbles. Golden Wetstone Grimlins will have an increased rate to create bubbles even while dropped.
- The maximum rate at which a Wetstone Grimlin can create bubbles is 1 every half of a second with a multiplier of 3.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Wetstone Grimlin rerolls it into
Vomit Grimlin.
- Wetstone Grimlin is based off of the
Wetstone, which are stone turrets that constantly create bubbles in the room that drift around and can harm the player.