Wetstone (Rock)

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Wetstone is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.

Disambig.svg This article is about the rock trinket named Wetstone. For the Stone Grimace.png Stone Grimace variant of the same name, see Wetstone.png Wetstone. For the Grimace-themed rock trinket, see Wetstone Grimlin Wetstone Grimlin.


  • Spawns 10 friendly Bubble Medium.png Bubbles of different sizes upon entering an uncleared room, that drift slowly in different directions and linger in the air. Bubbles deal damage to enemies and can block enemy projectiles, popping after making contact with either.
  • If Golem takes damage, he will create 10 more Bubbles around himself.


  • Mom's Box.png Trinket Multipliers: Affects the amount of Bubbles created, scaling with the number of trinket multipliers; the total number of bubbles will increase by 1 for every trinket multiplier that adds 1 to Wetstone's power.
    • Henge Rock Henge Rock: Being a multiplier increase of < 1, Henge Rock will not increase the amount of bubbles, unless other trinket multipliers increase Henge Rock's multiplier to be equal or more than 1.
    • Smelter.png Smelter + GolemCoopIcon.png Golem: When Wetstone's multiplier is < 1, will reduce the number of bubbles created to 9.
  • Azurite Spindown Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Wetstone rerolls it into Twin Tuffs Twin Tuffs.


  • Prior to The Spitshine Update, Wetstone shared the same exact effect as Wetstone Grimlin Wetstone Grimlin, and was set to be in the Unobtainable rarity.
    • This was because the Wetstone rock trinket was created before the Grimlin line of rock trinkets — when Wetstone's redundancy was made apparent, the developers couldn't decide on how to rework the trinket, and was changed to be unobtainable.
Fortune Worm.png Trinkets Insatiable Apatite.png
Normal Trinkets
Rock Trinkets
Geode & Fossil