Swallowed M90
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Swallowed M90 is a trinket added in The Reheated update.
- Upon taking damage, Isaac is equipped with a single-use sniper rifle that will fire a piercing, high-velocity bullet.
- The bullet the rifle launches deals 3.5× Isaac's damage to enemies, and the damage of the bullet cannot go below 3.5.
- The rifle can be fired in all 8 cardinal and ordinal directions, and will knock Isaac back in the opposite direction.
- Once equipped, the rifle cannot be unequipped until the bullet is fired.
- Taking damage multiple times will not grant multiple bullets.
- The bullet the rifle fires is not affected by any of Isaac's effects that alter his tears, with one exception (see Interactions).
- If Mouse Control is enabled, or if playing with an analog stick, the rifle can be aimed anywhere within 360° around Isaac.
Trinket Multipliers: Damage of the bullet increases with the amount of trinket multipliers.
Dull Razor /
Sharp Penny: 'Fake' damage caused by these items works as expected.
Rubber Bullets: The bullet fired by the rifle granted by Swallowed M90 will have a 100% chance to bruise enemies.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Swallowed M90 rerolls it into
Yin-Yang Orb.
Video Showcase
- The Swallowed M90 is based on the Barrett M90, a bolt-action, bullpup rifle that was produced between 1990-1995.
- Swallowed M90 is a riff on
Swallowed M80 from The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.