Broken Record

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Broken Record is a trinket added in The Spookaween Update.

Disambig.svg This article is about the trinket, Broken Record. For the Object with a similar name that also gives copies of stackable collectibles, see BrokenDisc.png Broken Disc.


  • 30% chance for items to be rerolled into a copy of a stackable item that Isaac has.


  • Approximately 56.8% of all passive items (375 out of the 660 passive items, including 113 added in Fiend Folio: Reheated as of The Spitshine Update) are not considered as stackable, and can not be duplicated by Broken Record.
  • If Isaac has no valid items that are considered "stackable", then no items will be rerolled.


  • Mom's Box.png Trinket Multipliers: The chance for copies of items to appear increases logarithmically with the Trinket Multiplier, based on the formula (1 − 0.7^Trinket Multiplier) × 100% — adding to the Trinket Multiplier will make the chance reach closer to 100%, but each increase to the Multiplier will give less of an increase in chance than the last, meaning it'd require an absurd amount to make it realistically appear to be a 100% chance.
  • Azurite Spindown Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Broken Record rerolls it into Energy Searcher Energy Searcher.


  • A "broken record" is a figure of speech that describes a statement or experience that is frequently repeated.
  • Broken Record's appearance is based off of a Ween — The Mollusk vinyl record.[1]


Fortune Worm.png Trinkets Insatiable Apatite.png
Normal Trinkets
Rock Trinkets
Geode & Fossil