Citrine Pulp
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Citrine Pulp is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.
- Golem has a 20% chance, scaling with luck, to fire a short-ranged arced volley of 5 yellow tears that deal 30% of Golem's damage stat.
- The chance to create a volley is equal to
10 + 10 × Trinket Multiplier + Luck × 2
%. This can reach a maximum chance of 50% at 15 luck, withoutTrinket Multipliers.
- The chance to create a volley is equal to
- If enemies are close by to Golem, there is a chance each game tick to spawn a puddle of creep that deals
Golem's Damage + 5
damage per tick. This chance gets higher the more enemies are nearby.
- Enemies considered to be close enough for Golem to have a chance to create a creep puddle are those within an approximately 1.1 grids radius, and a creep puddle can only be created once every 13.33 seconds.
- The chance to create a puddle of creep when enemies are nearby is equal to
1 ÷ (40 − 7 × Enemy Amount)
, up to a maximum of a 20% chance per frame with 5 enemies.
Trinket Multipliers /
Henge Rock: Affects the number of shots and the chance to fire a volley of tears. No effect on the chance to create a creep puddle, or the damage.
- Each +1 to the multiplier adds 2 extra tears to the volley, up to a maximum of 15 tears in total with a multiplier equal to 5 or higher.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Citrine Pulp rerolls it into
Fake Rock.
- Citrine Pulp is based off of citrine quartz, a variety of quartz crystal named after its yellowish coloration — Citrine Pulp's effect is thus based off the citrus-y item
Lemon Mishap, and by extension
Devil's Umbrella.