Grabber's Enemy
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Grabber's Enemy is a trinket added in The Reheated Update.
- Spawns 2 disembodied hand familiars similar to
Grabber that fly in slowly from off-screen, moving horizontally or vertically across the room and wrapping around to another position upon reaching the other side.
- Upon making contact with an enemy, pickup, or Isaac, they will grab them and drag them along for upwards of a few seconds before letting go.
- Enemies will take 1 damage per tick (approximately 5 damage per second) while grabbed by a hand.
- The red hands will angle slightly towards enemies in their path.
- The red hands will let go of Isaac or any pickups they're grabbing if they reach a wall or obstacle.
- The red hands will also attempt to grab other objects that are considered entities, such as
Beggars and Machines — however, they will not be able to be moved.
- Grabber's Enemy can be charmed by
The Siren, where they will only grab Isaac and no longer grab other enemies. However, they will not deal damage to Isaac when grabbing him.
BFFS!: Doubles the damage the red hands deal when grabbing enemies.
Trinket Multipliers: Spawns additional red hands based on the number of Trinket Multipliers.
Baby-Bender: The red hands turn purple, and will attempt to home in towards enemies more quickly and at a larger angle.
Forgotten Lullaby: Doubles the speed of the red hands.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Grabber's Enemy rerolls it into
- Grabber's Enemy is a reference to the red hand enemies in the Game Jam game Grabber, made by two of Fiend Folio's developers (HappyHead and jm2k (Julia)), that was the inspiration for
- Grabber's Enemy is called "Red Hand" in the MOD's files and in the name of their Achievement in the Dead Sea Scrolls menu.