Thunder Egg
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Thunder Egg is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.
- -0.1 speed.
- After each room cleared, has a chance to crack open into a different rock trinket that has the Rare or Fiendish rarity.
- The egg starts with a roughly 6% chance to hatch, which increases with each room up to 50%.
- The chance for Thunder Egg to hatch into a Fiendish rock is 1/4.
Trinket Multipliers /
Henge Rock: Affects the base chance for Thunder Egg to hatch, and the quality of the Rock it hatches into.
- If the total multiplier is 2 or higher, the hatched rock is guaranteed to be of Fiendish rarity. Otherwise, a total multiplier under 2 will have no effect on this chance.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Thunder Egg rerolls it into
Molten Slag.