Balanced Fossil

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Balanced Fossil is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.


  • Provides a 50% chance to reroll a room clear reward based on what pickups Golem lacks. The priorities of the drops, in order, are as follows:
    • A key, if Golem has no keys.
    • A bomb, if Golem has no bombs.
    • A coin, if Golem has less than 5 coins.
    • A Red Heart.png Red Heart, if Golem's total number of Red Hearts in his health bar is less than half the number of available HUD heart red full.png Red Heart containers.
    • If none of the above conditions are true, room clear rewards are not rerolled.
  • Crush Effect: Spawns 3 copies of the pickup Golem has the least of.
    • If Golem has equal amounts of coins, bombs, and keys, then spawns 1 of each instead.
    • The number of Red Hearts that Golem has will not be considered.


  • Mom's Box.png Trinket Multipliers: Increases the threshold on which Balanced Fossil will choose a pickup Golem has least of — ie. with a multiplier equal to 2, Balanced Fossil will spawn keys or bombs if he has less than 1 as opposed to having none, coins if he has less than 6, etc.
    • The threshold for spawning a Red Heart based on the number of Red Hearts Golem has is not affected.
    • Trinket multipliers do not affect the number of pickups spawned when Balanced Fossil is crushed.
  • Azurite Spindown Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Balanced Fossil rerolls it into Canned Fossil Canned Fossil.
Fortune Worm.png Trinkets Insatiable Apatite.png
Normal Trinkets
Rock Trinkets
Geode & Fossil