Death Cap Fossil
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Death Cap Fossil is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.
- While Death Cap Fossil is held, grants an all-stats down multiplied by the amount of rooms cleared:
- −0.04 speed
- −0.08 damage
- +0.4 tear delay
- −0.125 range
- −0.05 shot speed
- −0.33 luck (rounded up, resulting in a −1 luck for the first room, and then -1 for every 3 rooms)
- Crush Effect: Converts the all-stats down provided by Death Cap Fossil into a permanent all-stats up at 66% of their total value.
- The maximum possible multiplier the stat modifiers provided by Death Cap Fossil is 30×, or equivalent to 30 rooms cleared if the player has no
Trinket Multipliers.
- This also applies to all Death Cap Fossil's crushed in the run, so crushing multiple copies will not go over this cap.
- The all-stats down provided with each room clear can not be more than half of what a player's damage, range, or shot speed was at the time the room was cleared.
- The player's speed can not go below 0.5 from Death's Cap Fossil's stat modifiers.
- If Death Cap Fossil is crushed when no rooms have been cleared, grants only 1 room clear's worth of an all-stats up 10% of the value.
Trinket Multipliers: Multiplies the stat modifiers gained from each cleared room while holding Death Cap Fossil. The maximum multiplier is still capped at 30×.
Smelter: Smelting Death Cap Fossil is not recommended, as it would make it impossible to crush Death Cap Fossil at the
Bismuth Golem.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Death Cap Fossil rerolls it into
Bomb Sack Fossil.
- Death Cap Fossil is a reference one of the Retribution MOD's active items, Death Cap.
- Death Cap causes a stacking all-stats down each time it is used, and after being used enough times, the item is consumed and grants an all-stats up instead.