Beeter Fossil
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Beeter Fossil is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.
- For each tear Golem shoots, an additional weak tear will be shot at a different angle that deals 30% of Golem's Damage and retain most of Golem's tear effects.
- Every time the effect triggers, the angle of the shots increments clockwise around Golem.
- Crush Effect: Spawns a friendly
Beeter alongside the usual crush drops.
- The additional tear fired will not inherit effects of any items that replace Golem's tears, such as
Trinket Multipliers: Fires additional weak tears that will be at equal angles to each other, based on the Trinket Multiplier.
Bee Skin: The tears from Bee Skin and Beeter Fossil will not line up with each other.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Beeter Fossil rerolls it into
Coprolite Fossil.
- The way the tears are fired, and the name of the trinket, are both based off of
Beeter and
Bee Skin.