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Hector is a rock trinket added in The Reheated Update.
- -0.10 speed.
- +0.27 tears.
- +1.00 damage.
- If Golem takes damage, Hector will be dropped to the ground, flinging themselves some distance away.
- If Golem attempts to crush or grind Hector at any of the Subway Traders, there is a 4/5 chance it will instead be immediately dropped.
- This can cause Golem to accidentally crush/grind any other rock trinket he is holding instead.
- As it is a chance for Hector to be dropped with each attempt, Golem can still try multiple times to crush/grind Hector if the player truly wants to get rid of him. You monster.
Trinket Multipliers /
Henge Rock: Affects the tears up, damage up, and speed down, scaling with the multiplier. Does not affect Hector's flakiness.
Smelter: Smelting Hector onto Golem won't prevent him from escaping — taking damage will still cause him to be dropped, as well as additionally cause Golem to spray an arced volley of 12 tears in the direction Hector gets ripped out of Golem's body.
Rock Bottom: Negates the speed down Hector grants, and the tears and damage up will still remain after Hector is dropped, meaning Hector can be abandoned if the player can't handle the responsibility.
Azurite Spindown: Using Azurite Spindown on Hector rerolls it into
Rock from an Abyss.
- Hector is a reference to the character and item of the same name from the game OMORI.
- Hector was originally from a standalone trinket mod created by Fiend Folio developer Guwahavel, having a different appearance and being called Pet Rock.
- The stats granted by Hector are roughly equivalent to that of
The Small Rock.