View table: ItemCargo

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. image - String
  3. is_activated - Boolean
  4. quote - String
  5. description - Wikitext
  6. recharge - String
  7. quality - Integer
  8. tags - List of String, delimiter:
  9. id - Integer
  10. shop_price - Integer
  11. devil_price - Integer
  12. unlocked_by - String

This table has 178 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name image is activated quote description recharge quality tags id shop price devil price unlocked by
A.V.G.M. (edit) A.V.G.M. AVGM.png Yes Get Hooked
  • Pays out with Penny.png Pennies and other potential prizes after using an increasing amount of times.
unlimited 2 offensive 51 15 1
Alpha Coin (edit) Alpha Coin Alpha coin.png Yes Learn to use it!
  • Does a variety of effects based on the current room and exploration.
4 1 offensive 20 15 1
Angelic Lyre (edit) Angelic Lyre AngelicLyreAnimated.gif Yes Play a different tune
  • Rotates between 3 different "tunes" that passively change Isaac's tears into three different attack modes with their own stats and modifiers.
unlimited 2 offensive 137 15 1
Astropulvis (edit) Astropulvis Astropulvis.png Yes Supernova
  • On use, destroys the closest Rock.png Rock and turns it into a large ghost.
  • Using the item again will detonate all large ghosts in the room.
2.8s 3 offensive 116 15 1 Astropulvis
Azurite Spindown (edit) Azurite Spindown Azurite Spindown.png Yes -1
  • On use, rerolls all trinkets in the room by subtracting their internal ID number by 1.
3 3 offensive 118 15 1 Azurite Spindown
Baby Badge (edit) Baby Badge Baby Badge.png No Take care of it! 4 quest offensive noeden 23 15 1
Baby Crater (edit) Baby Crater Baby Crater.png No Spiral shot buddy
  • Whilst Isaac is firing tears, Baby Crater creates a ring of tears around itself, similar to the enemy Craterface.png Craterface.
  • Tears are released outwards when Isaac stops firing.
2 baby monstermanual summonable offensive stackable 7 15 1
Bacon Grease (edit) Bacon Grease Bacon Grease.png No Empty calories 0 nolostbr stackable 16 15 1
Badump! (edit) Badump! Badump!.png No 10 hearts 0 offensive noeden stackable 132 15 1
Bag of Bobbies (edit) Bag of Bobbies Bag of Bobbies.png No Gives bobby
  • Has a chance to spawn a Fragile Bobby familiar on room clear.
  • Fragile Bobbies act similarly to Brother Bobby.png Brother Bobby, but can die from taking enough damage from enemies.
3 baby monstermanual offensive summonable stackable 150 15 1
Batoomkling! (edit) Batoomkling! Batoomkling!.png No 10 keys 1 offensive stackable 131 15 1
Bedtime Story (edit) Bedtime Story Bedtime Story.png Yes Ready for bed
  • Makes all enemies in the room drowsy.
  • Drowsy enemies will slow down and eventually fall asleep.
  • Damaging a sleeping enemy deals double damage, but wakes them up.
2 2 book offensive 62 15 1
Bee Skin (edit) Bee Skin Bee Skin.png No Buzz buzz
  • Every tear fired triggers 3 weaker tears spread around Isaac at equal angles.
  • Each time this effect triggers, the angle of all tears is incremented clockwise.
3 offensive summonable stackable 19 15 1
Beginner's Luck (edit) Beginner's Luck Beginner's Luck.png No Dwindles with time
  • +5 luck.
  • −0.5 luck per how many floors down Isaac is.
  • At minimum will grant +1 luck.
3 offensive summonable stackable 37 15 1
Birthday Gift (edit) Birthday Gift Birthday Gift.png No Careful what you wish for
  • Replaces all newly encountered collectibles with Mystery Gift.png Mystery Gift.
  • Rerolls and special/fixed drops are not affected.
4 offensive summonable 57 15 1
Black Lantern (edit) Black Lantern Black Lantern.png No Silver-Lined Curses
  • +1 Black Heart.png Black Heart.
  • Guarantees a curse on every floor.
  • Replaces curses with special new types of potentially beneficial curses.
2 offensive summonable 59 15 1 Black Lantern
Black Moon (edit) Black Moon Black moon.png No It all returns to nothing
  • Isaac's tears gain a dark red glow. Killing an enemy with these tears creates a glowing red cross that damages enemies in an area of effect.
  • Enemies killed by the cross don't spawn another cross.
2 offensive stars summonable 82 15 1
Bottle of Water (edit) Bottle of Water Bottle of Water.png No Gulp it down! 1 stackable 156 15 1
Box Top (edit) Box Top Box Top.png No Luck up + redeemable prize 1 offensive stackable 151 15 1
Brick Figure (edit) Brick Figure Brick Figure.png No Pick a brick 2 167 15 1
Bridge Bombs (edit) Bridge Bombs Bridge Bombs.png No Pit-filling blast +5 bombs
  • +5 Bomb.png Bombs.
  • Bombs fill pits when they explode.
1 offensive summonable stackable 85 15 1 Bridge Bombs
Bzzt! (edit) Bzzt! Bzzt!.png No 10 charges 0 offensive noeden stackable 133 15 1
Cetus (edit) Cetus Cetus.png No Blowhole retaliation
  • Taking damage causes Isaac to spew out a large amount of tears that leave creep.
1 nolostbr stars summonable stackable 53 15 1
Chaldean Axe (edit) Chaldean Axe Chaldean Axe.png No Cut them down!
  • Periodically fire a piercing axe towards the closest enemy.
  • The axe boomerangs back shortly after launch.
3 offensive summonable 104 15 1
Cherry Bomb (edit) Cherry Bomb Cherry Bomb.png Yes Baby boom
  • On use, Isaac picks up a small red bomb that can be thrown.
  • The bomb's explosion deals no damage to Isaac and can't break Rock.png Rocks.
2.5s 2 offensive 115 15 1 Cherry Bomb
Chirumiru (edit) Chirumiru Chirumiru.png No HP + DMG Up, Perfect Freeze 4 offensive summonable stackable 42 15 1
Chomp Chomp! (edit) Chomp Chomp! Chomp Chomp!.png No 10 glizzies 4 offensive noeden stackable 130 15 1
Clear Case (edit) Clear Case Clear Case.png No Pocket active room
  • The next active item that is picked up will be assigned to the player's pocket slot.
2 offensive 60 15 1
Clutch's Curse (edit) Clutch's Curse Clutch's Curse.png No What if it was purple?
  • Familiar that possesses Isaac occasionally.
  • When possessed, the next tear Isaac shoots will be a homing Ipecac.png Ipecac tear.
  • Rocks occasionally glow purple and create fire waves upon destruction.
2 offensive summonable stackable 143 15 1
Commissioned Badge (edit) Commissioned Badge Commissioned Badge.png No This thing cost 50 dollars
  • +0.1 flat damage.
  • Can only be obtained by using Defuse.png Defuse on BusterIcon.png Buster when he's about to blow up after dying.
4 quest offensive noeden 24 15 1
Community Achievement (edit) Community Achievement Community achievement.png No Proficiency in counting
  • +2.71 flat damage.
  • Damage boost is based on the current records in the Fiend Folio Cornmunity Discord server's counting channels.
3 offensive summonable 41 15 1 Community Achievement
Contraband (edit) Contraband Contraband_large.png Yes Payment rendered on delivery
  • Acquired from FakeBeggar.png Fake Beggars that look like ordinary Beggars, but drop this item and disappear when interacted with.
  • On use, becomes consumed and applies several stacks of the Wavy Cap.png Wavy Cap effect, heavily distorting the screen.
  • If carried to the next floor, a ShadyBeggar.png Dealer will appear in the starting room and exchange it for 2-3 items from the Drug Dealer Pool Icon.png Drug Dealer item pool.
one time 0 offensive 58 15 1
Cool Sunglasses (edit) Cool Sunglasses Cool Sunglasses.png No Gold rush
  • +6 coins.
  • Upon entering an uncleared room, 3 Penny.png Pennies are taken from Isaac and strewn across the room.
  • Walking near coins on the ground grants a speed up based on the distance to the coin.
  • Collecting coins damages all enemies in the room.
2 offensive summonable stackable 12 15 1 Cool Sunglasses
Corn Kernel (edit) Corn Kernel Corn_Kernel.png No Gotta mern 'em all!
  • Spawns a familiar that levels up when gaining multiple copies of this item:
    • Level 1: Wavy Orbital.
    • Level 2: Orbital that shoots weak explosions.
    • Level 3: Familiar that teleports and chases enemies.
    • Level 4: Familiar that teleports and lobs explosive corn.
2 monstermanual offensive summonable stackable 10 15 1
Crazy Jackpot (edit) Crazy Jackpot Crazy Jackpot.png No Retributive gambling
  • On taking damage, Isaac rolls for a random positive effect.
  • Effects can spawn coins or hearts, damage enemies, grant a random stat up, create a yellow creep puddle, or cause all effects at once.
1 nolostbr summonable stackable 141 15 1
Crucifix (edit) Crucifix Crucifix.png No For your sins, they die
  • Enemies killed by tears will leave behind a short-lived ghost with an aura.
  • Standing in the aura grants a boost to tear rate and damage, and makes Isaac's tears homing.
3 angel offensive summonable stackable 61 15 1
D2 (edit) D2 D2.png Yes Throwable reroll
  • Can be thrown and will spin on the floor temporarily.
  • Any pickups, enemies, and tears that pass through the D2 will be rerolled.
2 1 offensive 3 15 1
D3 (edit) D3 D3.png No Reroll tears
  • Orbital dice familiar that rerolls Isaac's tears.
  • Wacky.
1 monstermanual offensive summonable stackable 122 15 1
Dad's Battery (edit) Dad's Battery Dad's Battery.png No Energy debt
  • Allows Isaac to use their active item without having enough charge, resulting in gaining negative amount of charges.
  • Having negative charge reduces Isaac's speed and shot speed.
  • Negative charge persists after switching active items.
3 battery offensive 164 15 1
Dad's Dip (edit) Dad's Dip Dad's Dip.png No HP up... 1 nocantrip nolostbr stackable 153 15 1 Morbid Heart
Dad's Postiche (edit) Dad's Postiche Dadspostiche.png No It feels yicky 3 offensive summonable 99 15 1
Dad's Wallet (edit) Dad's Wallet Dad's Wallet.png No Damage debt
  • Shop Pool Icon.png Shop items can be purchased when they are not affordable, with the amount owed accumulating as debt.
  • Debt gives a multiplicative damage down.
  • Debt can be reduced by picking up coins.
  • Drops a Credit Card.png Credit Card upon being picked up.
2 offensive summonable 36 15 1
Dazzling Slot (edit) Dazzling Slot Dazzling Slot.png Yes Bring out inner greed unlimited 3 offensive 127 15 1 Golden Slot Machine
Deadly Dose (edit) Deadly Dose Deadly_dose.png No Powerful pills, fatal addiction
  • On pickup, spawns a PillCyanide.png Cyanide Pill.
  • Cyanide Pills provide an all stats up, but will start a death timer that will kill Isaac after 60 seconds. Taking a pill that isn't a Cyanide Pill will cure it, removing the stats and stopping the timer.
  • Increases the chance for Pills to drop on room clear.
  • Pills that drop while Isaac is not under the effect of a Cyanide Pill can be replaced with Cyanide Pills.
1 offensive 96 15 1
Deimos (edit) Deimos Deimos.png No Lifelong partner
  • Spawns a familiar that fires hooks that latch onto and pull enemies/pickups.
  • Remains stationary while pulling in enemies/pickups.
  • Inflicts enemies with bruising while hooked.
  • On releasing enemies, inflicts them with hemorrhaging and fires blood tears in the direction they were released.
3 baby offensive stars summonable stackable 54 15 1 Deimos
Devil's Abacus (edit) Devil's Abacus Devils abacus.png No Learn to count!
  • Counting with Isaac's tears grants an increasing damage and tears up.
  • To count, Isaac must fire X amount of tears and stop, with X increasing by 1 each time.
1 offensive summonable 126 15 1
Devil's Dagger (edit) Devil's Dagger Devil's Dagger.png No With haste comes power
  • Isaac throws daggers alongside his tears.
  • Enemies when killed drop gems that can power up the daggers.
3 offensive summonable 120 15 1
Devil's Umbrella (edit) Devil's Umbrella Devil's Umbrella.png No Hard to clean
  • +1 Half Soul Heart.png Half Soul Heart.
  • Shooting tears has a chance to create a flurry of weak tears that leave yellow creep.
3 offensive summonable stackable 17 15 1
Devilled Egg (edit) Devilled Egg Devils egg.png No Tears up + immorality 2 summonable tearsup stackable 75 15 1 Devilled Egg
Dice Bag (edit) Dice Bag Dice Bag.png No Gives dice
  • Spawns a sack familiar that follows Isaac and drops a random Glass Dice after every 8 rooms cleared.
  • Glass Dice mimic their respective Dice collectible and break after use.
3 offensive summonable 5 15 1
Dice Goblin (edit) Dice Goblin Dicegoblin.png No Object hoarder
  • Spawns 3 random objects on pickup.
  • Spawns 1 random object at the start of each floor.
1 offensive summonable 114 15 1 Dice Goblin
Dichromatic Butterfly (edit) Dichromatic Butterfly Dichromatic Butterfly.png No Hitbox down, Graze and Homing Amulet
  • Isaac's hitbox size is reduced and indicated by a red marker over top of him.
  • +0.2 damage for the current room when narrowly avoiding a projectile. Caps at +3 damage.
  • Luck-affected chance to fire a tear with 1.25× damage and aggressive homing.
3 offensive summonable 38 15 1
Dogboard (edit) Dogboard Dogboard.gif Yes Walk the dog!
  • While held, causes the player to continuously slide forward on the Dogboard.
  • Activating Dogboard makes Isaac jump.
  • This item is not in any item pool and is set to be hidden from appearing anywhere in a run.
4 0 noeden 98 15 1
Dripping Badge (edit) Dripping Badge Dripping Badge.png No Ahaha, sure is sweaty in here 4 quest offensive noeden 25 15 1
Dusty D10 (edit) Dusty D10 Dusty D10.png Yes Ol' unreliable
  • Rerolls all enemies in the room into random enemies from anywhere in the game.
  • Enemies are attempted to be rerolled into ones with similar maximum HP.
1 0 offensive 171 15 1
Emoji Glasses (edit) Emoji Glasses Emoji Glasses.png No It's lit
  • Isaac Fires emoji tears that each have a unique effect.
  • Cycles through 3 different emojis at a time.
1 offensive summonable 123 15 1
Empty Book (edit) Empty Book Empty Book.png Yes Write your own story!
  • Customizable active item.
  • Does a variety of effects depending on what the player chooses.
one time 1 book offensive 148 15 1
Error's Crazy Slots (edit) Error's Crazy Slots Error's_Crazy_Slots.png Yes Roll for your destiny
  • On use, a three-number slot appears above Isaac's head; using the item again locks in a number, and the slots will spin faster each time.
  • Once all three numbers are locked in, the player is granted the item of the ID shown by the three numbers.
  • If the item ID is invalid, Isaac will be teleported to the Icon IAmError.png I AM ERROR Room.
one time 4 offensive 176 15 1
Eternal Clicker (edit) Eternal Clicker Eternal Clicker.png Yes ???
  • Has a 50/50 chance to transform Isaac into a random character while removing the last item collected, or delete the player's character and all their held items from the run.
  • This item does not appear in any item pools.
1 0 noeden 109 15 1
Eternal D10 (edit) Eternal D10 Eternal D10.png Yes ???
  • Rerolls enemies in the current room.
  • Enemies rerolled have a 1/3 chance to disappear.
2 2 offensive 102 15 1
Eternal D12 (edit) Eternal D12 Eternal D12.png Yes ???
  • Switches into one of two modes when used.
  • With a charge capacity of 2, has a high chance to reroll obstacles and a low chance to delete them.
  • With a charge capacity of 1, has a low chance to reroll obstacles and a high chance to delete them.
variable 2 offensive 65 15 1 Eternal D12
Evil Sticker (edit) Evil Sticker Evil sticker.png No Riskier pickups 0 offensive stars 107 15 1 Evil Sticker
Excelsior (edit) Excelsior Excelsior.png No Explosive actives
  • Using active items will release fireworks, based on the item's amount of charge.
  • Fireworks will home in towards enemies and explode.
3 offensive summonable stackable 100 15 1
Familiar Fly (edit) Familiar Fly Familiar Fly.png No Loved by many
  • Orbiting familiar that deals contact damage and blocks projectiles.
  • Swells up when close to enemies, until exploding into a ring of 10 tears that can charm enemies. Respawns some time afterwards.
  • Can charm Fly.png Fly-related enemies in close proximity.
1 fly monstermanual offensive summonable stackable 94 15 1
Fetal Fiend (edit) Fetal Fiend Fetal fiend.png No Bountiful 3 offensive summonable stackable 70 15 2 Fetal Fiend
Fiddle Cube (edit) Fiddle Cube Fidget_cube_1.png Yes The Devil finds work for idle hands
  • Grants an increasing boost to damage and tears when used rhythmically.
  • Damage and tears boost gradually dissipate while the item is not being used.
unlimited 3 offensive 50 15 1
Fiend Mix (edit) Fiend Mix Fiend Mix.png Yes Making friends
  • On use, transforms half of Isaac's health into FiendishFriends.png Minions.
  • Upon clearing a room, Minions transform back into their respective Hearts as pickups.
1s 2 71 15 1 Fiend Mix
Fiend's Horn (edit) Fiend's Horn Fiend's Horn.png No There's a bit of him in all of us
  • Enemies have a chance to spawn a HollowFriends.png Evil Hollow Minion on death.
  • Evil Hollow Minions disappear on room clear and will not drop a Black Heart.png Black Heart.
  • Chance starts at 20% and scales to 35% at 14 luck.
  • A bonus +2.5% chance is applied for every HUD heart immoral full.png Immoral Heart Isaac has in his Health bar.
2 offensive summonable stackable 13 15 1 Fiend's Horn
Fiend's Third Leg (edit) Fiend's Third Leg Fiend's Third Leg.png No So full of leg
  • +3.33 damage.
  • +1.5 tears.
  • Tears become homing, leave a trail of damaging creep and create a FiendishFriends.png Immoral Minion on impact.
  • This item is not in any item pool and is set to be hidden from appearing anywhere in a run.
4 noeden 160 15 1
Fist Full of Ash (edit) Fist Full of Ash Fist Full of Ash.png No They hide poorly
  • +3 Bomb.png Bombs.
  • More Tinted Rock.png Tinted Rocks spawn on floors, and have odd, more obvious visuals.
  • Breaking Tinted Rocks spawns a Half Red Heart.png Half Red Heart, grants a fading Damage up, and a 50% chance of removing a HUD heart broken.png Broken Heart.
  • Isaac gains a Broken Heart upon entering a new floor.
3 159 15 1
Fraudulent Fungus (edit) Fraudulent Fungus Fraudulent fungus.png No Some stats up 2 mushroom offensive summonable stackable 77 15 1 Fraudulent Fungus
Gamma Gloves (edit) Gamma Gloves Gamma Gloves.png Yes Hulk out!
  • Creates a small shockwave around Isaac, pushing nearby enemies away.
unlimited 1 offensive 157 10 1
Glizzy (edit) Glizzy Glizzy.png No Hunger down 2 offensive summonable tearsup stackable 73 15 1
GMO Corn (edit) GMO Corn GMO Corn.png No The devil's harvest 2 offensive summonable stackable 11 15 1 GMO Corn
Golden Frog Head (edit) Golden Frog Head GoldenFrogHead.png Yes Gas Is Good
  • Forces Isaac to stand still while used.
  • Letting go makes Isaac fart, the fart getting more powerful the longer it is held down.
unlimited 1 dead offensive 46 15 1 Slippy's Organs
Golden Plum Flute (edit) Golden Plum Flute Golden Plum Flute.png Yes Play time!
  • Summons GoldenPlumIcon.png Golden Plum to fight for Isaac in the current room.
4 2 fly offensive 97 15 1
Golden Popsicle (edit) Golden Popsicle Gold popsicle.png No Luck up 2 offensive stackable 146 15 1
Goldshi Lunch (edit) Goldshi Lunch Goldshi Lunch.png No HP up, fast like a horse! 2 nolostbr 169 15 1
Golem's Orb (edit) Golem's Orb Golems orb.png No Lost and Found... 3 summonable stackable 43 15 1 Golem's Orb
Golem's Rock (edit) Golem's Rock Golems_Rock.png Yes Trinket grinder
  • Spawns a random rock trinket the first time it's picked up.
  • On use, grinds Isaac's current held trinket into a random rock trinket.
4 3 offensive 30 15 1 Golem's Rock
Gorgoneion (edit) Gorgoneion Gorgon.png No They're shy
  • Spawns a stationary familiar that gazes at enemies in the room, petrifying them as long as they are in its sight.
3 monstermanual offensive summonable stackable 49 15 1
Grabber (edit) Grabber Grabber.png No Throws Hands
  • Spawns a familiar based on Grabber from hit video game Grabber.
  • Mirrors Isaac's movements and grabs things in front of them.
1 offensive summonable stackable 34 15 1
Grappling Hook (edit) Grappling Hook Grappling_Hook.png Yes Get away from danger
  • Throwable hook that can be used to quickly travel.
  • Can be used to climb onto Rock.png Rocks.
  • Isaac can take damage by falling into pits.
unlimited 1 offensive 33 10 1
Greater Than Three (edit) >3 Aehrt.png No HP up? 2 nocantrip nolostbr stackable 74 15 1 >3
Green Orange (edit) Green Orange Green Orange.png No May you attain enlightenment 4 offensive summonable stackable 173 15 1
Greg The Egg (edit) Greg The Egg HHGreg.png No Full of surprises
  • Spawns an egg familiar that has a chance to drop a random pickup after clearing a room.
  • After being shot at by projectiles, has a chance to crack open and spawn another familiar from the Baby Shop Pool Icon.png Baby Shop Item Pool.
2 offensive stackable 93 15 1
Griddle Corns (edit) Griddle Corns Griddle_Corns.png No DMG Up + it's all burnt 2 offensive summonable stackable 101 15 1
Haunted Badge (edit) Haunted Badge Haunted Badge.png No You got the power pellet! 4 quest offensive noeden 22 15 1
Heart of China (edit) Heart of China Heart of China.png No It's fragile 3 nolostbr summonable 125 15 1 Heart of China
Hedonist's Cookbook (edit) Hedonist's Cookbook Hedonist's Cookbook.png Yes Natural harvest
  • Causes all enemies with the lowest maximum HP in the room to explode in a shower of tears.
2 2 book offensive 175 15 1
Horncob (edit) Horncob Horncob.png No Reap what you sow
  • Isaac shoots pill tears that, upon killing an enemy, has a 25% chance for Isaac to take a random pill.
1 offensive summonable stackable 135 15 1
Horse Paste (edit) Horse Paste Horse_Paste.png Yes Keep it together 12 2 noeden 138 15 1
Host on Toast (edit) Host on Toast Host on toast.png No Damage + Range up 1 offensive summonable stackable 149 15 1
Hypno Ring (edit) Hypno Ring Hypno ring.png No Drowsing tears
  • Luck-affected chance to fire tears that makes enemies drowsy.
  • Drowsy enemies slowly fall asleep, moving and attacking increasingly slower over time.
  • Sleeping enemies remain still until they awake. They take double damage while asleep, but will instantly wake up upon taking any damage.
2 offensive summonable stackable 88 15 1
Imp Soda (edit) Imp Soda Imp Soda.png No Critical spit
  • Grants a chance that scales with luck to shoot critical tears that deal quintuple Isaac's damage.
3 offensive summonable stackable 35 15 1 Imp Soda
Infinity Volt (edit) Infinity Volt Infinityvolt.png No Double tap cord
  • Double tap to link to an enemy with an extension cord.
  • Linked enemies are charmed and continually generate arcs of electricity.
  • After being linked for long enough, the enemy will explode.
2 offensive summonable 134 15 1
IPad (edit) IPad IPad.png Yes please...
  • Upon use, teleports every entity downwards towards the bottom of the room.
  • This item does not appear in any item pools.
2 4 noeden 28 15 1
Isaac.chr (edit) Isaac.chr Isaac.chr.png No Backup character file
  • Upon death, Isaac respawns in the current room with randomized stats and health.
  • Replaces some of Isaac's held items with TMTRAINER.png TMTRAINER glitched items upon reviving.
0 162 15 1
Isaac'D's Eulogy (edit) Isaac'D's Eulogy Isaac'D's Eulogy.png No Dicing with death
  • Killing an enemy has a luck-based chance to activate a random dice effect (D6.png The D6, D20.png D20, etc.).
4 offensive stackable 166 15 1
Ka Ching! (edit) Ka Ching! Ka Ching!.png No 10 coins 0 offensive stackable 129 15 1
