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Bombs are pickups primarily used to damage enemies and bosses, destroy rocks, and open up both Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room walls and closed doors.

As of The Spitshine Update, Fiend Folio adds 4 new bomb pickups.

Disambig.svg This page is about Bombs added in Fiend Folio. More information about Bombs in general can be found in the vanilla page.


Name Icon Description Probability
Copper Bomb
  • Deals 185 damage and has an increased explosion radius.
  • Has a 50% chance to become a dud instead of exploding.
    • Nearby explosions cause dud Copper Bombs to explode, which deal only 100 damage.
Double Copper Bomb
Double Copper Bomb.png
  • Grants two Copper Bombs.
Double Mixed Bomb
Double Mixed Bomb.png
  • Grants one regular bomb and one Copper Bomb.
Copper Troll Bomb
Copper Troll Bomb.png
  • Spawns primed and explodes after a short while.
  • Deals 185 damage and has an increased explosion radius.
  • Has a 50% chance to become a dud instead of exploding.
    • Nearby explosions cause dud Copper Troll Bombs to explode, which deal only 100 damage.


  • Copper Bomb drops have their own 11.25% chance to become a Doubled Mixed Bomb, 3.75% chance to become a Doubled Copper Bomb, or a 1% chance to become a Copper Troll Bomb.
  • Copper Bombs can be affected by BOGO Bombs.png BOGO Bombs and Humbleing Bundle.png Humbleing Bundle as expected, turning into Double Mixed Bombs or Double Copper Bombs.
  • Safety Scissors.png Safety Scissors will always turn Copper Troll Bombs into Copper Bomb pickups.
  • Giga Bomb.png Giga Bombs do not synergize with Copper Bombs, and will be placed normally.
  • Number 2.png No. 2 will consume Copper Bomb charges with its effect and release Copper Butt Bombs.
  • Rockets from Rocket in a Jar.png Rocket in a Jar will gain a unique appearance with Copper Bombs, but will still always explode.
  • JacobEsauCoopIcon.png Jacob & Esau will consume 2 Copper Bomb charges if they have 2 or more charges as they will place 2 bombs. This will still only use up one bomb.
  • Spending bombs without using them (i.e. Bomb Bum.png Bomb Bum or GridRestockMachine.png Grid Restock Machine) will not consume Copper Bomb charges. This means Isaac can end up with 0 Bombs but still have unused charges.


  • Double Copper Bombs, Double Mixed Bombs, and Copper Troll Bombs were all added in The Spitshine Update.
  • If a Copper Troll Bomb becomes a dud, its expression changes to one that resembles Trollge, while also playing a cartoonish "boowomp" sound.
    • The "boowomp" sound effect is sampled from the TV series SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • Copper Bombs have a 0.0005% chance to play an applause sound if they explode.

