Dire Chest (Item Pool)

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Item Pools
BothIndicator.png Normal / Hard Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room
Library Pool Icon.png Library Gold Chest Pool Icon.png Golden Chest Red Chest Pool Icon.png Red Chest Beggar Pool Icon.png Beggar Devil Beggar Pool Icon.png Devil Beggar Key Master Pool Icon.png Key Master Bomb Bum Pool Icon.png Bomb Bum
Planetarium Pool Icon.png Planetarium Ultra Secret Pool Icon.png Ultra Secret Room Crane Game Pool Icon.png Crane Game Rotten Beggar Pool Icon.png Rotten Beggar Battery Bum Pool Icon.png Battery Bum Old Chest Pool Icon.png Old Chest Wooden Chest Pool Icon.png Wooden Chest
Baby Shop Pool Icon.png Baby Shop Glass Chest Pool Icon.png Glass Chest Dire Chest Pool Icon.png Dire Chest Drug Dealer Pool Icon.png Drug Dealer Blacksmith Pool Icon.png Blacksmith Zodiac Beggar Pool Icon.png Zodiac Fortune Teller Pool Icon.png Robot Fortune Teller
Both Greed Modes Indicator.png Greed / Greedier Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room

The Dire Chest item pool are items and trinkets that can appear as a final payout from the DireChest.png Dire Chest. Rewards in this pool are mostly themed around FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend, BastardCoopIcon.png Tainted Fiend, ChinaCoopIcon.png China, and the rest of the imp gang.

Active Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Purple Putty
Purple Putty5 rooms
Fiend Mix
Fiend Mix1 seconds
  • On use, transforms half of Isaac's health into FiendishFriends.png Minions.
  • Upon clearing a room, Minions transform back into their respective Hearts as pickups.
Malice5 seconds
  • Upon use, turns Isaac into a black fireball which charges across the room. This gives invulnerability, deals damage to enemies hit, and leaves a trail of black creep during the charge.
Risk's Reward
Risk's RewardIt's complicated
  • Can be used to reroll an item in the Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room to one of a higher quality.
  • This is achieved by traversing a unique Psionic Cluster and fighting the HermitIcon.png Hermit.
D22 rooms
  • Can be thrown and will spin on the floor temporarily.
  • Any pickups, enemies, and tears that pass through the D2 will be rerolled.

Passive Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Fetal Fiend
Fetal Fiend
Devilled Egg
Devilled Egg
Evil Sticker
Evil Sticker
GMO Corn
GMO Corn
Lil Fiend
Lil Fiend
  • Spawns a familiar that flies diagonally across the room and has a chance to spawn an HollowFriends.png Evil Hollow Minion when colliding with an enemy or enemy projectile.
  • Evil Hollow Minions disappear on room clear and will not drop a Black Heart.png Black Heart.
Fiend's Horn
Fiend's Horn
  • Enemies have a chance to spawn a HollowFriends.png Evil Hollow Minion on death.
  • Evil Hollow Minions disappear on room clear and will not drop a Black Heart.png Black Heart.
  • Chance starts at 20% and scales to 35% at 14 luck.
  • A bonus +2.5% chance is applied for every HUD heart immoral full.png Immoral Heart Isaac has in his Health bar.
The Devil's Harvest
The Devil's Harvest
  • Upon death, respawn as FiendCoopIcon.png Fiend.
Sack of Keys?
Sack of Keys?
  • Spawns a sack familiar that follows Isaac and drops a Spicy Key.png Spicy Key after every 7 rooms cleared.
Modern Ouroboros
Modern Ouroboros
  • Tears leave oil creep upon impact.
  • Walking over oil creep will ignite it.
  • Isaac shoots pill tears that, upon killing an enemy, has a 25% chance for Isaac to take a random pill.
Heart of China
Heart of China
Rubber Bullets
Rubber Bullets
  • Luck-based chance to fire bullet tears that bruise enemies.
  • Bruised enemies take bonus damage from all sources of damage based on the number of stacks applied.
Imp Soda
Imp Soda
  • Grants a chance that scales with luck to shoot critical tears that deal quintuple Isaac's damage.
Prank Cookie
Prank Cookie
  • Grants multi-colored tears with different status effects added in Fiend Folio.
Deadly Dose
Deadly Dose
  • On pickup, spawns a PillCyanide.png Cyanide Pill.
  • Cyanide Pills provide an all stats up, but will start a death timer that will kill Isaac after 60 seconds. Taking a pill that isn't a Cyanide Pill will cure it, removing the stats and stopping the timer.
  • Increases the chance for Pills to drop on room clear.
  • Pills that drop while Isaac is not under the effect of a Cyanide Pill can be replaced with Cyanide Pills.
Clutch's Curse
Clutch's Curse
  • Familiar that possesses Isaac occasionally.
  • When possessed, the next tear Isaac shoots will be a homing Ipecac.png Ipecac tear.
  • Rocks occasionally glow purple and create fire waves upon destruction.
Ball of Tar
Ball of Tar
  • Adds a chance to shoot slowing tears.
  • Isaac leaves a trail of slowing creep behind as he moves, impeding enemies' speed.


Name Icon Weight Description
Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold
  • Cursed Penny FF.png Cursed Pennies have a higher chance to drop on room clear.
  • Cursed Pennies have a higher chance to replace Penny.png Pennies.
Chili Powder
Chili Powder
  • Transforms all Key.png Keys into Spicy Key.png Spicy Keys.
  • Spicy Keys grant an extra key upon being picked up, but deals damage to the player.
  • For each new room Isaac enters, grants one wacky effect in a rotating list which can be either helpful, harmful, or neither.
  • Randomizes prices of items for sale.
  • Some items for sale will have constantly shifting prices.
The Middle Hand
The Middle Hand
Faulty Fuse
Faulty Fuse
Swallowed M90
Swallowed M90
  • Isaac pulls out an M90 when hurt, causing the next shot to be a fast, piercing bullet that does 3.5× Isaac's damage with self-knockback.
Molten Penny
Molten Penny
  • 2% chance to activate the Smelter.png Smelter effect when picking up a Penny.png Penny.
  • Scales with luck.
GMO Penny
GMO Penny
  • Chance to take a random pill when picking up a coin.
  • Scales with luck.
Fuzzy Penny
Fuzzy Penny
Sharp Penny
Sharp Penny
Chunk of Tar
Chunk of Tar
  • Spawns a small black clot familiar next to Isaac that moves and shoots through his same inputs.
  • The clot charges forwards when a shooting key is double-tapped, leaving a trail of black creep and respawning after hitting a wall.
Shard of China
Shard of China
  • Overhealing with Red Heart.png Red Hearts fills a special health bar.
  • Filling this health bar accumulates a damage boost, up to +1.5 damage with 3 hearts filled.
  • Smelts itself once the bar is completely filled, making the trinket's damage boost permanent.
Cursed Urn
Cursed Urn
  • 0.75× tear delay multiplier.
  • If Isaac is about to take fatal damage, transforms them into ChinaCoopIcon.png China.
  • Shatters if dropped, turning into Shattered Cursed Urn Shattered Cursed Urn and losing its ability to revive.
Flea of Meltdown
Flea of Meltdown
  • Spawns an Meltdown Flea.png Orange Flea when entering a new room.
  • Orange Fleas can burn enemies.
Flea of Deluge
Flea of Deluge
  • Spawns a Deluge Flea.png Cyan Flea when entering a new room.
  • Cyan Fleas create a ring of 8 tears on hit.
Flea of Pollution
Flea of Pollution
Flea of Propaganda
Flea of Propaganda
  • Spawns a Propaganda Flea.png Beige Flea when entering a new room.
  • Beige Fleas will charm enemies on hit.
Flea Circus
Flea Circus
  • 20% chance to spawn a random Flea after killing an enemy.