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Hermit is a mini-boss encountered in the Psionic Cluster created by Risk's Reward Risk's Reward.


Hermit will mimic an item pedestal in the Psionic Treasure Room, the 3rd room at the end of the Psionic Cluster. When Isaac approaches, Hermit will come out of hiding from underneath the item pedestal and roar, pushing Isaac away and preventing him from collecting the item. Isaac must defeat Hermit in order to access the item.

Now awake, Hermit will float towards Isaac in short dashes, occasionally pausing to perform the following attacks:

  • Spawns a set amount of Psiling.png Psilings that orbit around Hermit. Any Psilings orbiting Hermit will be released if Hermit teleports away or dies.
  • Spawns purple projectiles which hover to its left and right as it moves. It then launches them as homing projectiles with high velocity, one at a time, towards where Isaac is moving, attempting to predict his movements. The projectiles will continue to hover in the air for a fair amount of time before falling to the ground.
  • Teleports to a random wall, then creates a line of purple crosshairs, either vertically or horizontally, towards the opposite wall. Shortly thereafter, the crosshairs explode, with each explosion releasing 4 projectiles in the cardinal directions.

Each of Hermit's attacks scale in difficulty with the stage it's encountered in:

  • In Chapter 1, Hermit will spawn 1 Psiling, send 2 homing projectiles, and perform the teleporting attack once.
  • In Chapter 2, Hermit will spawn 2 Psilings, send 4 homing projectiles instead of 2, and perform the teleporting attack twice in a row.
  • In Chapter 3 and onwards, Hermit will spawn 3 Psilings, send 6 homing projectiles, and perform the teleporting attack three times in a row.

Upon Hermit's defeat, it will leave behind the item pedestal it was carrying.


  • The item carried by Hermit will always be from the Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room item pool, unless Isaac has Chaos.png Chaos. The item can never be an active item, and its item quality will be attempt to be higher than that of the item absorbed by Risk's Reward Risk's Reward.
    • If Hermit is somehow encountered without the use of Risk's Reward, then the item they are holding will be of a random quality.
  • If Isaac has TMTRAINER.png TMTRAINER, Hermit will not appear to be carrying an item, but will drop a glitched item when killed. This item does not follow the item generation rules created by Risk's Reward Risk's Reward, as it can be of any quality and can be an active item.
    • The Psionic Cluster sub-area appears to "corrupt" the visuals of glitched items dropped by Hermit, as they will have a section of the Psionic Cluster's backdrop in their sprite; these affected glitch items will revert to their "normal" appearance in Isaac's inventory.
  • Damocles.png Damocles will cause Hermit to drop a second additional item on death; however, this item does not follow the item generation rules created by Risk's Reward Risk's Reward.

Video Showcase
