Crane Game (Item Pool)

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Item Pools
BothIndicator.png Normal / Hard Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room
Library Pool Icon.png Library Gold Chest Pool Icon.png Golden Chest Red Chest Pool Icon.png Red Chest Beggar Pool Icon.png Beggar Devil Beggar Pool Icon.png Devil Beggar Key Master Pool Icon.png Key Master Bomb Bum Pool Icon.png Bomb Bum
Planetarium Pool Icon.png Planetarium Ultra Secret Pool Icon.png Ultra Secret Room Crane Game Pool Icon.png Crane Game Rotten Beggar Pool Icon.png Rotten Beggar Battery Bum Pool Icon.png Battery Bum Old Chest Pool Icon.png Old Chest Wooden Chest Pool Icon.png Wooden Chest
Baby Shop Pool Icon.png Baby Shop Glass Chest Pool Icon.png Glass Chest Dire Chest Pool Icon.png Dire Chest Drug Dealer Pool Icon.png Drug Dealer Blacksmith Pool Icon.png Blacksmith Zodiac Beggar Pool Icon.png Zodiac Fortune Teller Pool Icon.png Robot Fortune Teller
Both Greed Modes Indicator.png Greed / Greedier Treasure Pool Icon.png Treasure Room Boss Pool Icon.png Boss Shop Pool Icon.png Shop Curse Pool Icon.png Curse Room Secret Pool Icon.png Secret Room Devil Pool Icon.png Devil Room Angel Pool Icon.png Angel Room

The Crane Game item pool contains collectibles that can be earned by winning at Crane Game.png Crane Game.

To see the Crane Game pool of items in the original game, see its page on The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth wiki.

Active Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Fiddle Cube
Fiddle CubeUnlimited
  • Grants an increasing boost to damage and tears when used rhythmically.
  • Damage and tears boost gradually dissipate while the item is not being used.
Store Whistle
Store Whistle6 rooms
Eternal D12
Eternal D12Variable
  • Switches into one of two modes when used.
  • With a charge capacity of 2, has a high chance to reroll obstacles and a low chance to delete them.
  • With a charge capacity of 1, has a low chance to reroll obstacles and a high chance to delete them.
Eternal D10
Eternal D102 rooms
  • Rerolls enemies in the current room.
  • Enemies rerolled have a 1/3 chance to disappear.
Toy Camera
Toy Camera4 seconds
  • Create a camera flash that destroys projectiles and confuses enemies.
  • Grants a tears up if Isaac is caught in the flash.
  • If enough enemies are caught in the flash, spawns a Cool Photo.png Cool Photo.
Azurite Spindown
Azurite Spindown3 rooms
  • On use, rerolls all trinkets in the room by subtracting their internal ID number by 1.
Grappling Hook
Grappling HookUnlimited
  • Throwable hook that can be used to quickly travel.
  • Can be used to climb onto Rock.png Rocks.
  • Isaac can take damage by falling into pits.
D22 rooms
  • Can be thrown and will spin on the floor temporarily.
  • Any pickups, enemies, and tears that pass through the D2 will be rerolled.
Kalu's Severed Head
Kalu's Severed Head10 seconds
  • Is held above Isaac's head, and controls a cone of vision.
  • Enemies in the cone are petrified and take a minor amount of damage.
  • Enemies killed while petrified burst into a ring of 8 tears.
Loaded D6
Loaded D68 rooms
  • Rerolls all items in the room into items that Isaac already has.
  • Cannot reroll items into those that would be useless when duplicated, unless Isaac has no other valid item(s).
Gamma Gloves
Gamma GlovesUnlimited
  • Creates a small shockwave around Isaac, pushing nearby enemies away.
Dusty D10
Dusty D101 rooms
  • Rerolls all enemies in the room into random enemies from anywhere in the game.
  • Enemies are attempted to be rerolled into ones with similar maximum HP.
Golden Frog Head
Golden Frog HeadUnlimited
  • Forces Isaac to stand still while used.
  • Letting go makes Isaac fart, the fart getting more powerful the longer it is held down.
Dazzling Slot
Dazzling SlotUnlimited

Passive Items

Name Icon Weight Description
Cool Sunglasses
Cool Sunglasses
  • +6 coins.
  • Upon entering an uncleared room, 3 Penny.png Pennies are taken from Isaac and strewn across the room.
  • Walking near coins on the ground grants a speed up based on the distance to the coin.
  • Collecting coins damages all enemies in the room.
Dice Bag
Dice Bag
  • Spawns a sack familiar that follows Isaac and drops a random Glass Dice after every 8 rooms cleared.
  • Glass Dice mimic their respective Dice collectible and break after use.
  • Spawns a stationary familiar that gazes at enemies in the room, petrifying them as long as they are in its sight.
Toy Piano
Toy Piano
  • 22% chance, scaling with luck, to fire tears that doom enemies.
  • Doomed enemies gain a counter that goes down every time they take damage. Upon reaching zero, the enemy takes 5× Isaac's damage and the effect is removed.
Greg The Egg
Greg The Egg
  • Spawns an egg familiar that has a chance to drop a random pickup after clearing a room.
  • After being shot at by projectiles, has a chance to crack open and spawn another familiar from the Baby Shop Pool Icon.png Baby Shop Item Pool.
Chaldean Axe
Chaldean Axe
  • Periodically fire a piercing axe towards the closest enemy.
  • The axe boomerangs back shortly after launch.
Robo-Baby 3.0
Robo-Baby 3.0
  • Familiar that moves diagonally towards the direction Isaac moves.
  • On contact with enemies or enemy projectiles, will fire 8 Technology.png Technology lasers around it.
Emoji Glasses
Emoji Glasses
  • Isaac fires emoji tears that each have a unique effect.
  • Cycles through 3 different emojis at a time.
Infinity Volt
Infinity Volt
  • Double tap to link to an enemy with an extension cord.
  • Linked enemies are charmed and continually generate arcs of electricity.
  • After being linked for long enough, the enemy will explode.
Pet Peeve
Pet Peeve
  • Grudge.png Grudge familiar that moves around randomly and deals contact damage.
  • Double-tapping a fire button will have the familiar charge in that direction.
Bag of Bobbies
Bag of Bobbies
  • Has a chance to spawn a Fragile Bobby familiar on room clear.
  • Fragile Bobbies act similarly to Brother Bobby.png Brother Bobby, but can die from taking enough damage from enemies.
Token Bag
Token Bag
  • Sack Familiar that drops a Token Coin.png Token every 10 rooms.
  • Tokens mimic the most recent pickup Isaac has collected.
  • Orbital dice familiar that rerolls Isaac's tears.
  • Wacky.